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Asian Heart Hospital Mumbai - Best Cardiac Hospital in Mumbai

Asian Heart Institute (AHI) has been set up with an aim to provide world-class cardiac care in India. It is situated at the Bandra-Kurla Complex (BKC), a mere 15-minute drive from the domestic and international airports. The hospital promises to provide quality cardiac care to patients at reasonable costs.

A dream of leading cardiac specialists of Mumbai, Dr. Ramakanta Panda, Dr. Sudhir Vaishnav, and Dr. Tilak Suvarna. AHI was set up with a holistic approach to heart care based on ethics, quality care and professional backed by competitive prices. It prides itself on quality in terms of design, patient care, medical, paramedical and general staff and infrastructure facilities.

The hospital has a Patient-centric design with stress on safety and comfort of Patients. All Patient areas have been designed to minimize the risk of infection. Internationally accredited with ISO 9001:2000, JCI & NIAHO, AHI reaffirms its commitment towards world class cardiac care by being the India’s Highest Accredited Hospital.

The hospital was started to set a benchmark in quality care, ethical practice, reasonable costs and training for those in the profession. Patients are not charged premium rates for the care they receive. In fact, the charges are reasonable and probably even 10-15 per cent cheaper compared to other hospitals.

Our Achievements

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)

2007 2008 2009
Total no. of CABG surgeries 1242 1258 1449
Off Pump (Beating heart surgery) 99.75 % 99.9 % 99.9 %
Mortality % in Off Pump surgeries 0.5% 0.3% 0.7%
Redo (Repeat) surgeries 52 58 52
Mortality % in Redo surgeries 0% 0% 0%

Achievements of AHI in the last eight years.

  • India’s Highest Accredited Hospital with JCI, NIAHO & ISO certification
  • Over 1,50,000 patients treated by AHI Doctors in over 10 year
  • One of the lowest surgical mortality rates in the world, 0.26% in isolated bypass surgeries & an overall mortality of 0.8%
  • Over 17,000 cardiac surgeries performed in last 10 years
  • AHI have so far performed over 20,000 angiographies and over 5000 interventional procedures which include complex coronary as well as non coronary intervention
  • Amongst the lowest documented infection rate in India which is on par with the best in the world
  • One of the few centres in the world doing nearly 100% of bypass surgeries on a beating heart & with a very significant percentage using total arterial grafting
  • Only comprehensive Pediatric Care Centre in Western India’.
  • Was the team specially chosen for Hon’ble Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh’s redo bypass surgery & post operative care
  • First centre in Mumbai for Robot assisted surgery with the da Vinci Si Robotic Surgical system- the only one of its kind in India

Robotic Surgery At Asian Hospitals. The First In Mumbai!

Asian Heart Hospital Mumbai - Best Cardiac Hospital in Mumbai

AHI pioneers again with Robotic Surgery:

Asian Heart Hospital Mumbai - Best Cardiac Hospital in Mumbai

our daVinci Si Surgical System with Simulator is Mumbai’s very first Robotic Surgery option. This is an incontestable example of AHI leading the way in India’s healthcare with the latest technologies and innovations in patient treatment and care.

The daVinci Si Surgical System with Simulator, in use at Asian Hospitals for months now, is the most advanced Robotic Surgery instrument available in the world. It is the very first in Mumbai, the very first in Western India, and one of the first in the entire AsiaPacific region. With Asian Hospitals’ Robotic Surgery, Mumbai joins the top few cities in the world whose citizens have full access to state-of-the-art healthcare.

Cardiac Surgery

Cardiac Surgery, today has evolved into a service which is in demand everywhere especially in India and the developing world.

An ageing population and the epidemic of Coronary Artery Disease which India and surrounding countries face make cardiac surgical facilities essential.

Operating on the most Central Organ of the body demands the best of Human Resources, Technical Skills, Equipment and Team effort. There are no margins for error. World class centers have a mortality of less than 1% in uncomplicated Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery.

AHI has set a benchmark in cardiac care in the country & our results are one of the best in the country. Our world class surgical team performed over 1258 cardiac surgeries in 2008 with an average mortality of 0.5%. Our mortality for isolated bypass surgery was 0.37% which is one of the best in the world. Apart from the Coronary Artery Surgery, the Department does the following operations on a routine basis …

  • Complex aortic aneurysms
  • Redo Surgeries including Bypass Surgery
  • The Maze Procedure for Atrial Fibrillation
  • Valve Repair and Replacement
  • Aneurysm Surgery of Aorta and Blood vessels

… are all done by the department with results on par with the best centers.

Our Pediatric surgical team operates on all types of cardiac conditions in children.

Credit Card with surcharge of 1.25% on Debit & Credit Cards; and 2.25% on all American Express Cards.

In the year 2008, we performed 58 redo bypass surgeries with no mortality. Similarly in 2007, we performed 52 redo bypass surgeries with no mortality.

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery

What is a Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (CABG)?
Imagine travelling by road and getting stuck in a traffic jam. To ‘bypass’ the jam, you take another route and join the same road back again. That’s exactly what takes place in a CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft) surgery, or commonly known as bypass surgery.

A Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is a surgical procedure done to create a ‘bypass’ around the blocked part of a coronary artery (blood vessels that supply blood to the heart) to restore blood supply to the heart muscle. The bypass is made with the help of blood vessels (known as grafts) taken from the other parts of the body (leg, hand, chest wall, etc.)

Why and when is a CABG done?
When one or more of the coronary arteries becomes partially or totally blocked, the heart does not get adequate blood supply. This is called an ischemic heart disease or Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). It can lead to heart pain (angina) or a heart attack (myocardial infarction).

CABG is one of the treatment options for ischemic heart disease, advised for:

    • Disease of the left main coronary artery

Significant, multiple blockages in all three main vessels of the heart

Failure of angioplasty

Asian Heart Hospital Mumbai - Best Cardiac Hospital in Mumbai

How is the surgery done?

Being a major cardiac surgery, the whole body system needs to be closely monitored. You will be administered general anesthesia and all your vital parameters (B.P, urine output etc.) are closely monitored. During the surgery your breast bone will be divided in the middle to gain access to your heart. For grafting, vessels are used from your own body. These vessels are called conduits.

One end of the graft is stitched to an opening below the blockage in the coronary artery. If the grafted vein is from the leg or the radial artery, its other end is stitched to an opening made in the aorta. If the grafted vessel is the mammary artery, its other end is already connected to the aorta.

1. The Internal Mammary Artery (IMA) situated on both sides of the breast bone is most commonly used for the graft. They have the advantage of staying open for many more years than the vein grafts, but there are some rare situations in which it cannot be used.

2. The other most commonly used artery is the radial artery, which supplies blood to the hand and can usually be removed from the arm without any impairment of blood supply.

3. The saphenous vein, which runs from the ankle to the groin, is also used for a bypass. It normally does only about 10% of the work of circulating blood from the leg back to the heart. Therefore, it can be taken out without adversely affecting the leg. While it is common for the leg from which the vein is taken to swell slightly during the initial few weeks of recovery, this is only temporary.

Asian Heart Hospital Mumbai - Best Cardiac Hospital in Mumbai

The entire surgery usually takes about four to six hours.

* It is generally observed that arteries give longer lasting results as compared to veins but there may be many other technical factors which may decide whether an artery or a vein is to be used.

In a traditional bypass surgery, the heart is stopped after connecting to the heart lung machine, which adds oxygen to the blood and circulates it to the other parts of the body during surgery. This is necessary because the heart muscle must be stopped before the grafting can be done.

However, in a beating heart surgery the heart lung machine is not used and the surgery is performed on a beating heart. This method is known as an Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass surgery (OPCAB) or beating heart surgery.

It allows the bypass to be created while the heart is still beating by using a device known as ‘octopus’. The advantage include quicker recovery, fewer complications and better long term outcome, especially in elderly patients and in patients with problems like kidney failure, previous brain strokes, etc. Asian Heart Institute is one of the few centers in the world that specializes in this type of surgery, performing nearly 100% of its bypass surgeries on a beating heart with a very significant percentage using total arterial grafting.

Asian Heart Hospital Mumbai - Best Cardiac Hospital in Mumbai

Redo bypass surgery A second or redo bypass surgery is needed if blockages develop after the first surgery. It is complex and risky because after the first surgery, the heart and lungs stick to the breast bone. A beating heart surgery using arterial grafts reduces the risk of a redo bypass surgery. At Asian Heart Institute redo bypass surgery is also performed ‘Off-Pump’, thereby suggesting the competence of the team led by Cardio-vascular Thoracic Surgeon, Dr. Ramakanta Panda.

Re-redo bypass surgery
Owing to the complications, a third bypass surgery is very rare.

Frequently Asked Questions after Bypass Surgery 1. When can I drive on my own?
It is wise to wait for 2 months after surgery, before driving on your own. This is the amount of time it takes for the healing of your sternum (breast bone), which was cut open during surgery. Any chance injury can cause damage if driving is started too early. Please consult with your surgical team before undertaking any activity after a bypass.

2. Can I travel by car?
Yes. You may travel by car as soon as you are discharged. However, for the first few weeks, it is advisable to restrict your travel to less than two hours. If the drive is going to be longer, then take a break every two hours and walk around for a few minutes.

3. Should I speak less?
There is no reason for you to ‘speak less’ after surgery. However, during the first few days of your recovery, you might feel short of breath while speaking for a long period of time. If so, your body is telling you to rest, and you may keep silent for some time.

4. Will eating curd or watermelon affect the stitches and slow down the healing of the breast bone? No. Eating curd or watermelon has no effect on your stitches and healing process.

5. When can I start climbing the staircase?
If there is an elevator, there is no need to climb stairs just for the sake of exercising. If you do not have an elevator and have to take the staircase, you can do so as soon as you are discharged. While climbing, pace yourself. Take a minute’s rest after climbing 10 to 12 steps during the first week after discharge. As your walking capacity increases, there is no restriction on climbing steps, as long as you do not run out of breath.

6. When can I go back to work?
It is advisable to wait for at least 2 months after surgery before returning to work. However, depending on the condition of your heart, you may be able to start light work after a month. Please consult with your doctor before returning back to work.

7. What about the older blockages in the arteries, will they remain?
The blockages which are present in the arteries remain as they were. The ‘graft’ which provides the ‘new blood supply’ is connected below your old blockages, thereby providing adequate blood to the heart muscle.

8. After my surgery, why do I still feel pain in my chest?
To perform your surgery, your chest-bone was cut open and stitched together after surgery. It is quite normal to feel some pain or altered sensations in your chest region for a few months after surgery. However, this pain will be different from the pain of ‘angina’ which you might have experienced before surgery.

9. What are the restrictions after CABG?
For the first three months avoid swimming, driving, sex, breath holding exercises and yoga. This is because your heart is at time irritable and sensitive. It may lead to irregular heart beat and could be risky for you.

The AHI Advantage The latest trend in healthcare is to have lesser invasive surgeries, i.e. surgeries which involve minimal cuts and ensure that patient has a faster recovery. Keyhole or Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a modern innovative surgical technique that reduces the patient’s post surgery distress and allows them to return back to their normal life in just a couple of days. In Minimally Invasive Surgery, surgeons operate through tiny incisions with the help of long instruments and HD cameras. The AHI team is one of the leading experts in Minimally Invasive Bypass Surgery in India. The team of cardiac surgeons has pioneered the LESS (Lower End Sternum Split) technique which entails only a 2 to 3 inch incision in the chest in order to carry out a coronary artery bypass surgery, thereby enabling patients to be discharged within 2 to 3 days. The LESS is advantageous for patients requiring less number of grafts. Depending on your condition your surgeon will decide whether you can undergo surgery through LESS technique.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_message style=”square” message_box_color=”mulled_wine”]For more information, medical assessment and medical quote  send your detailed medical history and medical reports  as email attachment to  Email : – [email protected][/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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