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Craniotomy Surgery in India: Affordable Treatment, Expert Neurosurgeons & Top Hospitals

India has growth in Infrastructure, population, and economy, they have gained a reputation in these sectors. There is growth in the economy and sustainable development. But now, India has also earned a reputation in medical treatments. Different types of surgeries are found and treated by a highly qualified and experienced team of specialists. The Treatment costs in India are much lower than in other countries. It is one of the lowest medical treatment costs in the world. It has treated several cases such as Kidney transplants, heart bypass surgery, Knee replacement dental implants etc. Successful treatments give you better results. So, here you know the one more surgical treatment, Craniotomy Surgery in India.

Craniotomy Surgery in India, some individuals do not know about it, but several cases are undergoing the treatment of Craniotomy. You know that, while individuals are driving a bicycle, they do not wear a helmet, so they will get into an accident and damage the inner part of the brain.

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Information About Craniotomy Surgery in India

Craniotomy Surgery is a surgical process in which there is a removal of part of the bone from the skull to expose the brain. There is used of bone flap, is a specialized tool that removes the section of the bone. For this treatment, the surgeon uses guidance the computers and imaging or computerized tomography, from these devices, they will get help and easily reach to the location within the brain, that is to be treated. This technique requires the use of a frame that is placed onto the skull. 

For example, when there is a tumour within the brain, these techniques scan the brain with computers and localise frames, providing a three-dimensional image. It helps make the distinction between tumour tissue and healthy tissue. So, then the surgeon will easily reach to the precise location of the abnormal tissue. The main purpose of Craniotomy is to be performed for a variety of reasons, including diagnosing, removing, or treating brain tumours, repairing skull fractures, treating epilepsy, and more. 

The process of Craniotomy surgery was performed under general anaesthesia. It involves making an incision in the scalp, removing a portion of the skull, operating on the brain, and replacing the bone. The process is done according to the types, in this, there are several types of Craniotomy. It includes Endoscopic Carniotomy, Stereotactic Craniotomy, Bifrontal Carniotomy, Supraorbital Craniotomy, Pterional Carniotomy, Retrosigmoid Keyhole Craniotomy, Orbitocygomatic Carniotomy, Translabyrinthine Carniotomy. 

In India, Craniotomy Surgery is a very successful treatment, and most individuals are happy with the results. Right now you are searching for the best clinic or hospital in India, and you want to undergo treatment.

We consider the best clinic for craniotomy Surgery in India to be “We Care India.” It provides you with the best treatment facility for Craniotomy Surgery. The team of specialists is well-qualified and highly experienced. They use advanced machinery and technology for Craniotomy Surgery. Most cases of the treatment are successful. 

Why should you trustWe Care India” for Guaranteed Surgery In India?

  • First-stage top counselling sessions
  • Premium services and processes
  • Highly competent specialists for Guaranteed Surgery In India
  • Sky-high Surgery Success Rates in India
  • Contact us Email ID: [email protected]
  • Call us: +919029304141

Types of Carniotomy Surgery in India

In Craniotomy Surgery, there are several types are included. In every type, they have different procedures. In India, Carniotomy Surgery is treated in different ways. So, here you know some important types of Carniotomy are Extended Bifrontal Carniotomy, Supraorbital Craniotomy, Retrosigmoid Keyhole Craniotomy, Retro-Sigmoid Craniotomy, Orbitocygomatic Craninotomy, and Translabyrinthine Craniotomy. Let’s know about it. 

Extended Bifrontal Craniotomy

Extended Bifronatal Craniotomy is a type of Carniotomy Surgery. It is a traditional skull base approach, it is used to target the front of the brain. It is mainly performed to remove extra bone rather than to unnecessarily manipulate the brain. It involves making an incision in the scalp behind the hairline and removing the bone that forms the contour of the orbits and the forehead. For those individuals, whose tumours are not removed by minimally invasive approaches, the Extended Bifrontal Craniotomy surgery is used. Some types of Tuomrs treated by the Extended Bifrontal Craniotomy are meningiomas, esthesioneuroblastomas and malignant skull base tumours. 

Supraorbital Craniotomy

Supraorbital Craniotomy is a type of Carniotomy Surgery, in which there is a removal of brain tumors. In this surgeons, make a small incision within the eyebrow to access tumours in the front of the brain and around the pituitary gland. There is the use of minimally invasive surgery, which gives you less pain than an open craniotomy, a faster recovery than an open craniotomy and minimal scarring. 

Retro-Sigmoid Craniotomy

Retro-Sigmoid Craniotomy is a type of Carniotomy Surgery, in which there is a used of minimally invasive surgical treatment. The main goal is to be performed to remove brain tumours. In this surgeons, allow for the removal of skull base tumours, they making small incisions behind the ear, which provides access to the cerebellum and brainstem. In this, some tumours treated by neurosurgeons are meningiomas, acoustic neuromas, skull base tumours and metastatic brain tumours. 

Orbitozygnomatic Craniotomy 

Orbitozygnomatic Craniotomy is a type of Carniotomy Surgery. It is a traditional base approach. It is used to target difficult tumours and aneurysms. The main concept is to remove the extra bone which unnecessarily manipulates the brain. In this, surgeons make incisions in the scalp behind the hairline remove the bone from the contour of the orbit and check. The  Orbitozygnomatic Craniotomy tumours treated tumours are craniopharyngiomas, pituitary tumours and meningiomas. 

Translabyrinthine Craniotomy

Translabyrinthine Craniotomy is a type of Craniotomy Surgery, in which surgeons are involved in making an incision in the scalp behind the ear, then they remove the mastoid bone and some of the inner ear bone canals. The surgeon finds and removes the tumour. 

Before, During And After the Procedure of Craniotomy Surgery in India 

A Procedure of Craniotomy Surgery is treated by a highly qualified and experienced team of Specialists. When you are undergoing the treatment of Craniotomy Surgery, the doctor will give you instructions for the Before, During and After procedure of treatment. Every patient should have to follow the instructions. Let’s know about the Craniotomy Surgery procedures. 

Before the Craniotomy Surgery treatment, 

Before the surgery, the doctor will explain the procedure, you have to fill out the form. If there is a question in your mind you can ask it. You can ask for the sign and consent from the permits to do the surgery. So, read the form carefully. The doctor takes your physical exam test to ensure that you are in good health before you undergo the surgery. They will also take your blood tests and your diagnostic tests. 

If there is an allegory and you are so sensitive to any medicines, latex, tape and anaesthetic from local and general. You have to tell your doctor about medicines or herbal supplements if you are taking them. Tell to your doctor if you’re taking any anticoagulant medicines, aspirin, or other medicines that affect blood clotting. So, you have to stop these medicines. If you are smoking, you have to avoid it. It will help you to improve your chances for a successful recovery from the surgery and it also improve your overall health status. Before the Surgery one night, you do not have to give food and water to drink.

During the Craniotomy Surgery treatment, 

During the Surgery, the doctors direct you to the operative room. the healthcare team makes and gives you comfort. The anaesthetist will give a General or Local anaesthetic to the patients. From, Local anaesthetic, so you would not feel any pain or discomfort during the treatment. If you are still awake, you will receive Local anaesthesia to get sleep till the treatment is completed. 

The surgeon inserts an intravenous (IV) line in your arm or hand, and a urinary catheter will also inserted to drain your urine. Your head gets shaved and the skin over the surgical site will be cleaned with an antiseptic solution. Various types of incisions are used, depending on the affected area of the brain. Surgeons made an incision behind the hairline in front of your ear and the nape of your neck. It may be done in other locations. There is of endoscope to make a smaller incision. 

In Minimally Invasive treatment, your head will be held in place by a device. A scalp drill will be pulled up and clipped to control bleeding, the surgeons used a medical drill to make burr holes in the skull. It is done carefully to cut the bone. The thick outer covering of the brain directly underneath the bone, will be separated from the bone and opened carefully. 

Microsurgical instruments are used, and they help to be easy to treat. Surgeons can get a better view of the brain structures and distinguish between abnormal tissue and healthy tissue. Tissue samples are sent to the lab for testing. When surgery is completed, they sew the layers of the tissue together and then the incision will be closed with sutures or surgical staples, and bandage and dressing over the incision. 

After the Craniotomy Surgery treatment, 

After the surgery, a healthcare team available with you. A recovery process depends on the type of procedure and type of anaesthesia. You will stay in hospital for several days, after staying in the ICU, you will be moved to a room in a neurosurgical nursing unit. You need oxygen for some time. The healthcare team will test your brain function to make sure the body system and functioning properly. They give you suggestions for exercises to do both in the hospitals and at home. Eating and drinking things depend on your health situation. 

So, before you are discharged from the hospital, a doctor will also give you instructions for home care. You have to clean your incision area, doctor will give you specific bathing instructions. If there is a significant pain around your incision. Healthcare providers give you medicines, which help to relieve the pain. You will be advised to avoid such as tobacco smoke, fumes, and environmental pollution. You should gradually increase your physical activity, and avoid lifting heavy items for several weeks. 

Cost of Craniotomy Surgery in India

Above you know that it is a surgical treatment, that involves temporarily removing a small part of the skull to access the brain. The cost of Craniotomy Surgery in India is affordable and reasonable. For every individual,  Cost plays a very important role in the treatment. it is because every individual minds different questions that arise, what is the cost of the treatment? Are there any different questions related in their minds? The Cost of Craniotomy Surgery in India is very based on the specific procedures.

Cost depends on several factors such as the location of the hospital, the reputation of the centre, the type of treatment used, the individual’s case, the expertise of doctors or surgeons, age and health of the patients. So, the average cost of a Craniotomy Surgery in India can range from INR 2,00,000 to INR 8,00,000. In this package, the cost of Craniotomy Surgery varies depending on any additional services. In some cases, there is a chance to reduce the cost of Craniotomy Surgery including: Paying in cash, combining multiple procedures into one surgical session, and getting insurance coverage.

here are the lists of Costs of  Craniotomy Surgery in India varying by city. 

Craniotomy Surgery In India

Cost of Craniotomy Surgery in India (INR)

Craniotomy Surgery Cost in Delhi

INR 3,00,000 to INR 8,00,000

Craniotomy Surgery Cost in Mumbai

INR 3,50,000 to INR 10,00,000

Craniotomy Surgery Cost in Bangalore

INR 2,50,000 to INR 7,00,000

Craniotomy Surgery Cost in Chennai

INR 2,00,000 to INR 6,00,000

Craniotomy Surgery Cost in Hyderabad

INR 2,00,000 to INR 8,00,000

What are the factors affecting Craniotomy Surgery costs in India?

There are several factors affecting the cost of Craniotomy Surgery in India. This is because there are different places in India, and the costs depend on the people’s living conditions. Every hospital and clinic has different management facilities, technology, and specialists. So, now let’s know in detail. 

Location: This factor plays the most important role in deciding the Craniotomy Surgery as the cost varies from city to city. Different cities have different costs. For instance, Craniotomy Surgery costs in India will be different from each other. The example is same goes for other cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kolkata, etc. 

Hospital: the cost of Craniotomy Surgery also varies on the type of hospital as the hospitals with good reputations charge more as compared to other hospitals. 

Type of surgery: the cost of Craniotomy Surgery also varies from the type of surgery used by the doctors. 

Surgeons: surgeons with several numbers of experience and skills charge more as compared to surgeons who charge less due to less experience in the medical field. 

Patient’s condition: the patient’s age, health, and personal preference can also influence  Craniotomy Surgery in India.

Why choose We Care India for Craniotomy Surgery in India?

We Care India is the best medical service provider in India, and we care for the patients and the healthcare provider team. We have a medical team that works 24*7 to handle the medical cases. So feel free to contact us anytime as our friendly medical staff will help you with your medical enquiry. Pour highly qualified doctors work 6 days a week to diagnose your disease and assist you with one of the best treatments. 

Moreover, our opening hours vary on different days. Monday through Friday are different, Saturday is different, and Sunday is different. Our trusted medical team offers personalized care. With exceptional service, we ensure successful treatment. Our medical service provider centre is considered the top healthcare company that offers the best medications, treatments, surgical processes, etc.

This centre offers several treatments or surgeries, such as cosmetic surgery, brain and spine surgery, and cancer treatment. So, this medical centre is to make your future bright like the moon. With 25 years of experience in the medical sector, we offer top-notch quality performance to patients with any type of disease. Our centre specializes in Craniotomy Surgery in India. We offer smooth non-surgical Craniotomy Surgery in India. 

Accordion (TABS) 

Craniotomy Surgery

Craniotomy Surgery is a surgical process in which there is a removal of part of the bone from the skull to expose the brain. There is used of bone flap, is a specialized tool that removes the section of the bone. For this treatment, the surgeon uses guidance the computers and imaging or computerized tomography, from these devices, they will get help and easily reach to the location within the brain, that is to be treated.


Craniotomy Surgery have several types of treatment, all the treatments have a different procedure. There are several types of Craniotomy. It includes Endoscopic Carniotomy, Stereotactic Craniotomy, Bifrontal Carniotomy, Supraorbital Craniotomy, Pterional Carniotomy, Retrosigmoid Keyhole Craniotomy, Orbitocygomatic Carniotomy, Translabyrinthine Carniotomy. 


Craniotomy Surgery costs in India, it is affordable and reasonable. The Cost depends on several factors such as the location of the hospital, the reputation of the centre, the type of treatment used, the individual’s case, the expertise of doctors or surgeons, age and health of the patients. So, the Cost of Craniotomy Surgery in India can range from INR 2,00,000 to INR 8,00,000.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Define Craniotomy Surgery. 

Craniotomy Surgery is a surgical process in which there is a removal of part of the bone from the skull to expose the brain. There is used of bone flap, is a specialized tool that removes the section of the bone. For this treatment, the surgeon uses guidance the computers and imaging or computerized tomography, from these devices, they will get help and easily reach to the location within the brain, that is to be treated.

What are the main Important types of Craniotomy Surgery in India? 

The Main Important Types of Craniotomy Surgery in India are Extended Bifrontal Carniotomy, Supraorbital Craniotomy, Retrosigmoid Keyhole Craniotomy, Retro-Sigmoid Craniotomy, Orbitocygomatic Craninotomy, Translabyrinthine Craniotomy.

Why did we select We Care India for Craniotomy Surgery? 

We selected “We Care India” because it is the best clinic for treatment, there are the best facilities, and management is provided to the patients. The team of specialists is qualified and experienced. They have above 10+ years of experience. They used a highly advanced instrument for the technology and had a high success rate. The Surgeons should be up-to-date on surgical instruments, procedures, and protocols. 

What is the reasonable and affordable cost of Craniotomy Surgery in India? 

A reasonable and affordable cost of Craniotomy Surgery in India can range from INR 2,00,000 to INR 8,00,000. Cost depends on several factors. 

Last Word 

In this content, you have learned about Craniotomy Surgery in India, this treatment is based on surgical treatment. Here you get to know the types, before, during, and after process. There is minimally invasive, use of best devices which makes the treatment successful. There are several different types of Craniotomy Surgery, including extended Bifrontal craniotomy, Supraorbital Craniotomy, Retrosigmoid Keyhole Craniotomy, Retro-Sigmoid Craniotomy etc. 

After reading the content of Craniotomy Surgery in India, here you easily know the best clinic in India for ear surgery treatment. “We Care India” is the best clinic, it provides you with better facilities and good management. You have got more information and knowledge about it, the cost is also affordable and reasonable, so you can easily afford it.