Our Hospital sees over 10,000 patients every year.
Emergency Line: +91 9029304141
Location: India
Monday to Saturday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
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Fortis Hospital, Delhi in India

Fortis Hospital Noida

The Fortis Hospital at Noida, near Delhi, is a centre of excellence in Orthopaedics, Neuroscience, Minimal access surgery, Oncology and In vitro fertilisation (IVF/Test tube baby) with additional focus on Cardiac Sciences, Minimally Access Surgery and Oncology.

The second mega hub hospital, in the Fortis Healthcare group, it caters to the special needs of patients and their families. The hospital has been designed and developed to deliver patient care with maximum ease warmth and effectiveness.

Our commitment to patient welfare and providing quality healthcare is reflected in the unique design attributes of the hospital. We have allocation space far above the current Indian norm of 800-900 sq.ft/bed. This allows for flexibility to adapt and accommodate future trends of patient care.

Fortis Hospital, Delhi in India

ENT Surgery

Introduction Dept of E.N.T. deals with all ailments/diseases related to EAR,NOSE & THROAT of all age groups

Services/Treatments offered
We offer comprehensive treatment/services as mentioned below:-

  • Microsurgery of the Ear for,(a) Discharging EAR – TYMPANOPLASTY/TYMPANOMASTOIDECTOMIES(b) Deafness – STAPEDECTOMY for OTOSCLEROSISMYRINGOTOMY & GROMMET for Deafness in children having fluid in the ears a very common cause of deafness in children
  • Endoscopic Surgery for disease of NOSE & SINUSES e.g.Ch Sinusitis,Tumours of Nose & Sinuses, Control of Bleeding from the Nose.
  • Endoscopic closure of CSF RHINORRHOEA (Brain fluid leaking into Nose)
  • TransNasal Endoscopic removal of Pituitary Tumour.
  • Medical/Surgical management of all other common ailments of E.N.T.besides the specialized procedures as mentioned in preceding paras above.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_message style=”square” message_box_color=”mulled_wine”]For more information, medical assessment and medical quote  send your detailed medical history and medical reports  as email attachment to
Email : – [email protected] Call: +91 9029304141 (10 am. To 8 pm. IST)[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]