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Soukya Spa India - Soukya Spa in Bangalore India




Global Hospitals is India’s leading and the fastest growing super specialty care and multi-organ transplantation hospital. Pioneers in performing transplantation surgeries, Global Hospitals has to its credit many trailblazing achievements made possible by combining research, teaching and patient care.


We at Global Hospitals constantly strive for quality and innovation. To us, it is more than a goal. It is a way of life. While advanced technology and modern facilities are crucial to the delivery of high quality medical care, it is our doctors, nurses and technicians who make Global Hospitals a place of highly specialized expertise.


The group’s success lies in the strong foundation values laid by its founders that serve as a source of inspiration for everyone who is connected to the venture, to continue working selflessly for the society.


Global Health City is an NABH accredited Hospital. It is a 500 bedded super specialty with a proposed 1000 bedded tertiary care facility located off the IT highway (OMR) at Chennai. It renders 360 degree advanced tertiary healthcare services…



The Institute, a complete liver disease and transplant center, is the only unit, which provides all types of liver transplant surgeries in India, including:


Liver Transplant – The institute has performed more than 200 liver transplants. The institute has advanced care for complex hepatology cases, including patients suffering from hepatitis C and other forms of liver disease. Global Hospital’s Liver Institute offers the latest treatments to continually improve the techniques and procedures provided by the liver transplant surgery team.

  • Living donor liver transplant
  • Deceased / Cadaver donor liver transplant
  • Split liver transplant
  • Auxiliary liver transplant
  • Liver Surgery
  • Primary liver cancer – All Modalities of treatment- surgical and Interventional
  • Meta static liver Cancer – Surgery
  • Pancreatic Surgery – Cancer which is advanced/ needing complex reconstructions
  • Billiary Surgery – cancer, bile duct injury from previous surgeries
  • Pediatric liver transplant
  • Partial liver transplant
  • Hepatobiliary (HPB) Surgery

Liver Surgery other than Transplantation

  • Liver Resections
  • Liver Cyst /abscess drainage, marsupialisation
  • Liver trauma Surgery
  • Portal hypertension surgery
  • Pancreatic Surgery – Cancer which is advanced/ needing complex reconstructions
  • Biliary Surgery – Cancer, bile duct injury from previous surgeries
  • Gall Bladder Surgery
  • Resection and Biliary reconstruction surgery for bile duct strictures
  • Biliary drainage procedures choledocho / hepatico jejunostomy

Preventive care

Preventive care can play an important role in patients with chronic liver diseases. Based on the existing data, the preventive strategies of alcohol avoidance, hepatitis vaccination, avoidance of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, iron supplementation when appropriate, and a low-fat diet are prudent in patients with chronic liver disease. Once cirrhosis develops, screening for hepatocellular cancer with alpha-fetoprotein testing and ultrasound, and screening for varices by endoscopy are justified. Various preventive health checks that are done at the institutes are:

  • Preventive Liver Health Checks
  • Hepatitis B screening
  • Conducting monthly rural / suburban camps
  • Surveillance for HCC in patients with chronic hepatitis and established cirrhosis through 6 monthly USG and AFP
  • Detailed imaging of the pancreas for workup of unexplained weight loss or worsening of Diabetes status

Minimal Access & Bariatric surgery

Treatments & Procedures

The Global Hospitals’ Minimal Access Surgery & Bariatric Surgery Institute brings together a team of highly qualified surgeons to treat a variety of issues with minimal access surgery.


Minimal access surgery has become an increasingly preferred option for the treatment of problems of the abdomen. The availability of laparoscopic technology, which involves the use of a tiny fiber-optic camera, video imaging capabilities, and new energy sources for cutting and coagulation has transformed the practice of surgery. Now, the Institute can offer treatment using minimally invasive approaches for the vast majority of patients with digestive tract diseases and pelvis diseases. These procedures can be performed with one or more small incisions, through which a camera and surgical instruments are inserted, instead of a large incision. For patients, these procedures result in less pain, shorter hospital stays, more rapid recoveries for patients, and fewer effects on pulmonary and immune system function, compared with open surgery.


The advantages of Minimal Access Surgery are:

  • Less pain
  • Fewer complications
  • Decreased blood loss
  • Shorter recovery
  • Quicker ambulation
  • Quicker resumption of diet
  • Quicker return to normal activity
  • Quicker return to home
  • Superior cosmetic result

Global Hospitals performs following Laparoscopic procedures:

  • Gall Bladder/Stones Removal
  • Appendix Removal
  • Hernia Repair (Inguinal, Umbilical and Incisional)
  • Ulcer Surgery
  • Bowel Surgery
  • Spleen, Liver, Pancreas Surgery
  • Micro Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Surgery of Morbid Obesity (Gastric banding, Gastric bypass)
  • Removal of Cancerous Tumors
  • Micro Laparoscopic Surgeries
  • Single Port Sleeve Gastroectomy
  • Metabolic Surgery for Type 2 Diabetes

Laparoscopic Obesity Surgery:

  • Lap Gastric Band
  • Lap Sleeve Gastrectomy
  • Lap Roux en Y Gastric Bypass

Hepatobiliary – Pancreatic:

  • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
  • Laparoscopic Choledochoduodenostomy Laparoscopic CBD Explorations
  • Laparoscopic Cholecysto Jejunostomy
  • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
  • Laparoscopic CBD Explorations
  • Laparoscopic Choledochoduodenostomy
  • Laparoscopic Cholecysto Jejunostomy
  • Laparoscopic Splenic Abscess Drainage
  • Laparoscopic Splenectomy
  • Laparoscopic Cystojejunostomy
  • Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy
  • Laparoscopic Whipple’s Pancreatico Duodenectomy
  • Laparoscopic Central Pancreatectomy
  • Laparoscopic Longitudinal Pancreatico-Jejunostomy
  • Laparoscopic Cysto jejunostomy / Cysto gastrostomy
  • Laparoscopic Pancreatic Necrosectomy
  • Retroperitoneoscopic Necrosectomy

Liver / Spleen:

  • Laparoscopic Splenic Abscess Drainage
  • Laparoscopic Splenectomy
  • Laparoscopic Liver Cystectomy -Hydatid
  • Laparoscopic Liver Cystectomy – Biliary & Non Biliary
  • Laparoscopic Liver Abscess Drainage
  • Laparoscopic Liver Resection
  • Target Biopsy, Wedge Resections of Liver, Cyst Ecision etc Laparoscopic Hemihepatectomy


  • Laparoscopic Gastrostomy
  • Laparoscopic Highly Selective Vagotomy
  • Laparoscopic Seromyotomy
  • Laparoscopic Gastrojejunostomy & Trunkal Vagotomy
  • Laparoscopic Subtotal Gastrectomy
  • Laparoscopic Resection for Leiomyoma of Stomach
  • Laparoscopic Trichobezoar Removal


  • Diagnostic Thoracoscopy Thoracoscopic Lung Biopsy/Lymph Node Biopsy
  • Thoracoscopic Oesophagectomy For Malignant & Benign Dis
  • Thoracoscopic Cervical Sympathectomy
  • Thoracoscopic Splanchnicectomy
  • Thoracoscopic Paravertbral Drainage
  • Thoracoscopic Oesophagomyotomy
  • Thoracoscopic Pericardectomy
  • Thoracoscopic PDA Ligation
  • Thoracoscopic Pleurolysis and Decortication
  • Thoracoscopic Vagotomy

Esophagus & Foregut:

  • Heller’s Cardiomyotomy
  • Nissen’s Fundoplication
  • Toupet Fundoplication
  • Dor Fundoplication
  • Oesophagectomy
  • Laparoscopic Gastric Pull up (Conduit after Laryngo-Pharyngo-Esophagectomy)
  • Laparoscopic Resection of Esophageal diverticula
  • Laparoscopic Diaphgramatic Hernia Repair
  • Laparoscopic Gastric Resections (including Radical resections)
  • Laparoscopic Truncal Vagotomy / Gastrojejunostomy
  • Laparoscopic Duodenal Perforation Closure
  • Laparoscopic Segmental Duodenal Resections / Duodeno-Jejunal Anastomosis


  • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for routine and complicated gall stone disease
  • Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration
  • Laparoscopic Choledochal Cyst Excision
  • Laparoscopic Hepaticojejunostomy

Small Bowel:

  • Laparoscopic Small Bowel Resection and Anastomosis
  • Laparoscopic Full Thickness Small Bowel Biopsy
  • Laparoscopic Small Bowel Perforation Closure
  • Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis
  • Laparoscopic Ladd’s Procedure
  • Laparoscopic Feeding Jejunostomy


  • Laparoscopic Tubectomy
  • Laparoscopic Recanalization
  • Laparoscopic Oophorectomy
  • Laparoscopic Salpingostomy
  • Laparoscopic Ectopic Pregnancy
  • Laparoscopic Mymomectomy
  • Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
  • Ovarian Cyst Removal
  • Ectopic Pregnancy
  • Laparoscopy for Infertility
  • Sterilization

Genito – Urinary:

  • Laparoscopic Orchidopexy/Orchidectomy
  • Laparoscopic Varicocelectomy
  • Laparoscopic Nephrectomy
  • Laparoscopic Radical Cystectomy and lleal Conduit
  • Laparoscopic Mesh Herinoplasty for Inguinal Hernia

Retroperitonescopy & Endoscopy:

  • Laparoscopic Lumbar Sympathectomy
  • Endoscopic Thyroidectomy
  • Axilloscopic Breast Surgery
  • Minilaparoscopy
  • Stone Removal (from Kidney & Ureter)
  • Kidney Removal & Lumbar Sympathectomy

Colon & Rectum:

  • Laparoscpic Appendicectomy
  • Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy
  • Laparoscopic Tansverse Colectomy
  • Laparoscopic Sigmoid Colostomy
  • Laparoscopic Sigmoid Colectomy
  • Laparoscopic Perforation Closure
  • Laparoscopic Rectopexy with mesh
  • Laparoscopic Abdomino Perineal Resection of Rectum
  • Laparoscopic Total Colectomy and lle
  • Laparoscopic Restprative proctocolectomy
  • Laparoscopic anterior resection
  • Laparoscopic low anterior resection
  • Sphincter preserving ultra low Laparoscopic anterior resection
  • Laparoscopic Appendicectomy


  • Laparoscopic Mesh Hernioplasty for lnguinal Hernia
  • Laparoscopic Assisted Incisional Hernia Repair
  • Laparoscopic Mesh Hernioplasty For Incisional Hernia


  • Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy
  • Laparoscopic / Thoracoscopic Splanchnicectomy
  • Laparoscopic hernia repair – TEPP / TAP / umbilical mesh hernioplasty

Minimal Access Surgery (MAS) Diagnostic procedures include:

  • Upper GI Scopy
  • Colonoscopy
  • Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography
  • Bronchoscopy


Of the bariatric surgeries done at Global Hospitals, many are performed laparoscopically.

The different kinds of bariatric surgeries, including laparoscopic bariatric surgeries, are:


  • Sleeve Gastroectomy – A surgical weight-loss procedure in which the stomach is reduced to about 25% of its original size, by surgical removal of a portion of the stomach. The procedure permanently reduces the size of the stomach. The procedure is performed laparoscopically and is not reversible.
  • Roun-en-y Gastric Bypass – In this procedure, the stomach is made smaller by creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach using surgical staples or a plastic band.
  • D.J Bypass – These includes Sleeve Gastroectomy and joining duodenum to 1st part of the small intestine through surgical steps.
  • Biliopancreatic Diversions – A biliopancreatic diversion changes the normal process of digestion by making the stomach smaller.
  • Single-port Bariatric Surgery – It is a recently developed technique in laparoscopic surgery. It is a minimally invasive surgical procedure where the surgeon operates through a single entry point, typically the patient’s navel.
  • Gastric Banding – It is a restrictive type of weight loss surgery. Briefly, it involves placing a silicone band with an inflatable inner collar around the upper stomach to restrict food intake.
  • Metabolic Surgery for Type 2 Diabetes – The route of small intestine is altered. Part of it is shifted to a different place for better control of diabetes.


  • Obesity Clinic: The obesity clinic has packages to help patients lose weight, maintain weight, and prevent further weight gain.
  • Diet Counseling: Nutritionist, at the institute, offer complete health package with a detail on nutritional needs tailored to match each patient’s needs.

Neuro & Spine Surgery procedure

The Institute of Neurosciences and Spinal Disorders at Global Hospitals has a modern and well equipped set up that provides facilities & expertise for various treatments and modalities for Spine problems. It offers the most advanced medical treatment available in spine care with various procedures. Minimally invasive techniques that have delivered successful and proven outcomes to patients, modern treatment for various spinal conditions & disorders like disc prolapse, scoliosis and failed back syndrome that are carried out in a comfortable environment.


In addition to the minimally invasive procedures, Global Hospitals also performs complex reconstructive procedures for failed spine, treatment of spinal tumors and infections.


The surgical treatment is done by a highly skilled team with the availability of modern theaters, state-of-the-art equipment, dedicated neuro navigation and intra operative monitoring. A dedicated team ensures relief from pain, makes the post operative period comfortable and aids in early ambulation.
Facilities include-

  • High end operating microscopes
  • Computer assisted spine surgery
  • Ultrasonic aspirators
  • Imported titanium spine implants

The specialized surgical procedures performed at Global Hospitals are

  • Pin hole spine surgery: Coblation Nucleoplasty, Vertebroplasty, Kyphoplasty, AxiaLIF technique
  • Key hole spine surgery: Spinal Fusion, Complex spinal reconstructions, Deformity corrections.
  • Kyphosiss
  • Scoliosis
  • Nucleus Replacement
  • Spinal stabilization procedure

Heart Transplantation

?Global Hospitals’ Advanced Heart, Lung & Vascular Institute offers a wide range of treatments to address a full spectrum of heart and vascular conditions. The physicians and staff are experts at cardiovascular care and are trained to help patients throughout their treatment.


A premier line up of excellent diagnostic methods and procedures help in assessing heart ailments.

  • Coronary Angiography
  • 64 slice Cardiac CT scan
  • TEE, DSE
  • 2D Echography
  • Tread Mill test
  • Holter Monitoring

The Advanced Heart, Lung & Vascular Institute treatments and procedures include:

  • Primary PCI – Primary PCI is the best modality of treatment available to some acute MI patients. Global Hospitals Heart, Lung, and Vascular Institute is committed to provide 24×7 facility of primary PCI for acute MI patients.
  • PCI by Radial Artery Approach – This method causes less pain and discomfort, less complications and short hospital stay.
  • Peripheral Interventions – This method includes carotid artery stenting, aorta and other peripheral arterial interventions which are performed routinely.
  • Pacemeaker/ICD/CRT – The hospital also provides solution for all rhythm disturbances of heart.
  • Valvuloplasty – Mitral, aortic, pulmonary valvuloplasties are commonly performed with high success rate.
  • Pediatric Cardiology Interventions – The hospital is committed to provide innovative technology and high standard of care for pediatric patients. Well-qualified pediatric cardiologists perform all types of pediatric interventions.
  • Heart Bypass Surgery – A surgical method which creates a new route, called a bypass, for blood and oxygen to reach the heart versus an open-heart surgery, in which the patient’s heart is opened and surgery is performed on the internal structures of the heart.
  • Beating Heart Surgery – It is a way to perform surgery without stopping the heart by using a special device to stabilize the part of the heart that is being operated.
  • Open Heart Surgery for Valvular Heart Disease Including Repair and Replacements or Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) – A surgical method to reroute the flow of blood through a new artery or vein that is grafted around diseased sections of the coronary arteries.
  • Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting – A procedure that involves temporarily inserting and blowing up a tiny balloon and placement of a stent to help prop the artery open and decrease the chance of it narrowing again.
  • Pediatric Heart Surgery – Surgery is done for congenital heart diseases as well as heart issues in children. The surgery includes Device Closure of Septal Defects. It also includes Balloon Pulmonary Valvotomy. The doctors are also adept at treating the Blue Baby Syndrome, which is an illness that arises when an infant’s blood is unable to carry enough oxygen to body cells and tissue. It is caused by a rise in the level of methemoglobin in the blood.
  • Pacemaker Implantation – The surgery helps implant pacemaker under the skin of the chest or abdomen to control abnormal heart rhythms.
  • Peripheral Angiography – The procedure captures images of peripheral arteries (arteries in the lower abdomen, kidneys, arms, legs, and feet).
  • Coronary Angiogram – The procedure uses X-ray imaging to see the heart’s blood vessels.
  • Radio Frequency Ablations – A non-surgical treatment for people with an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) in which a long, flexible wire is passed into the heart to ablate (eliminate) the precise area of the heart causing the arrhythmia.
  • Balloon Mitral Valvotomy – The procedure is a choice for severe mitral stenosis (MS) when valve morphology is feasible.

Coronary Angiogram, PCI through Radial Artery Approach

Coronary Angiogram is commonly performed through femoral approach (thigh). At Global Hospitals, coronary angiograms are performed by radial approach (wrist) as a daycare procedure.


In addition, majority of coronary interventions (PTCA with stent) are performed through radial approach. The advantages are less pain, less discomfort, negligible bleeding campaigns, and shorter hospital stay. Most important achievement for the hospital is that the patient can walk out of the cath lab after the procedure without requiring any bed rest.


Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery

Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery is performed through a small incision, without cutting the chest bones using specialized surgical instruments. The incision is about 5-6 cms instead of 20-25 cms of the traditional surgery. Cardiothoracic team at Global Hospitals has the experience of having performed a large number of Minimally Invasive Bypass surgeries in the country. The Minimally Invasive heart surgeries are performed at all units of Global Hospitals for heart bypass, heart valve repair and replacement and to correct congenital heart defects like holes in the heart.


Cardio-Thoracic Surgery

The hospital surgeons perform closed and open-heart surgery, beating heart surgery, valve replacement, repair, and treatment of complex congenital heart defects. With well-equipped ICUs, Global Hospitals has been consistently producing the best results.


Global Hospitals also houses advanced facilities for Lung and Heart-Lung Transplantation to cater to the patients, who have stopped responding to medicines.


Preventive Heart care

Global Hospitals offers multiple preventive health check packages especially to prevent or detect heart disease at an early stage.


Kidney Transplant

Treatments & Procedures

The institute offers the most appropriate, comprehensive and cost-effective treatment for a wide range of problems of the kidney and urinary tract.


The following kidney problems are addressed at the Institute:

  • Diabetic Nephropathy
  • Acute Kidney Injury
  • Collagen Vascular Disease
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • All types of Glomerular diseases- Acute Glomerulonephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome.
  • Immunological Kidney diseases including SLE, Vasculitis
  • Cystic Kidney disease
  • Congenital Kidney disorders
  • Obstructive Nephropathy
  • Renal Stone diseases
  • Hypertension
  • Reno Vascular Disease
  • Acute & Chronic Renal Failure
  • Urinary Tract infections
  • Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis
  • Renal Tubular Disorders
  • Childhood (pediatric) kidney diseases

The institute’s nephrology team has sizable experience in performing all kinds of procedures such as:

  • Intravenous Pyelogram – An intravenous pyelogram (IVP) is a type of x-ray that allows visualization of the kidneys after the injection of a contrast dye. The dye helps enhance the image on an X-ray film.
  • Radio nucleide Kidney Scan – A specialized radiology procedure used to assess the function and structure of the kidneys, as well as the perfusion (blood flow) to the kidney tissue.
  • Kidney Biopsy – A procedure performed to obtain a small sample of kidney tissue using a special needle. The sample obtained is processed and examined under a microscope to determine the cause of kidney disease and its potential outcome after treatment. There are two types of kidney biopsies:
    • Percutaneous Kidney Biopsy – This is performed under local anesthesia with ultrasound (high frequency sound waves) or computerized tomography (CT scan) guiding the biopsy needle insertion.
    • Open Kidney Biopsy – After a general anesthetic is given, the physician makes an incision in the skin and surgically removes a piece of the kidney. Depending upon the lab findings, further surgery may be performed.
  • Isotope Kidney Scan – A specialized radiology procedure used to assess the function and structure of the kidneys, as well as the perfusion (blood flow) to the kidney tissue. It also gives information on scars in the kidney.
  • Kidney Transplantation – A surgical procedure performed to replace a diseased kidney with a healthy kidney from another person. The kidney may come from a deceased organ donor or from a living donor. Global Hospital has an entire dedicated division for kidney transplantation, which has gained reputation as the best and most sophisticated centers in India.

Division of Kidney transplantation

Global Hospital’s Kidney Transplant program is one of the largest in India with comprehensive units in Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Chennai. The transplant program covers both live and cadaveric transplants. It is the first hospital in India to perform combined Kidney & Heart transplantations. Global Hospitals has pioneered the development of Renal Transplantation in India, both in the Live Related and Cadaveric donor program. The institute is first in India to perform simultaneous Heart and Kidney-SHK, a Series of Sequential Liver and Kidney Transplants.


The kidney transplantation program at Global Hospitals is the state-of-the-art program utilizing the newest and the safest immunosuppressive agents. The institute’s Kidney Transplant nephrologists work closely with transplant surgeons and urologists to ensure high clinical outcomes. The institute also has facilities to perform cross-match positive transplants & ABO incompatible transplants (across the blood group barrier) for patients who do not have a blood group compatible donor.


The institute also performs minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic donor kidney removal) for renal donors thereby minimizing post-operative recovery time and hospitalization.


The Kidney transplant team is accomplished in providing the following:

  • Solitary Kidney transplant
  • Combined Liver Kidney Transplant
  • Combined Kidney Pancreas Transplant
  • Cadaveric Multiorgan Transplant
  • Laparoscopic( Key hole) donor nephrectomy

The Global Hospital’s Kidney Transplant team is a multi-disciplinary unit of highly skilled and trained transplant experts from various disciplines such as:

  • Transplant physicians
  • Transplant Urologists – Adult & Pediatric
  • Transplant Surgeons
  • Transplant Anesthesiologist & Critical Care Specialist
  • Transplant experienced Lab Specialist
  • Coordinators and social workers, transplant nurses (theatre, ICU, and transplant wards), perfusionists and technician, all of who are well-accomplished in their respective fields.
  • Kidney Ultrasound – A noninvasive procedure (the skin is not pierced) used to assess the size, shape, and location of the kidneys. Ultrasound technology allows quick visualization of the kidneys and related structures from outside the body. Ultrasound may also be used to assess blood flow to the kidneys, a procedure known as Renal Doppler.
  • Intravenous Pyelogram – A type of X-ray that allows visualization of the kidneys after the injection of a contrast dye. The dye helps enhance the image on an x-ray film.
  • Dialysis Services – A process for removing waste and excess water from the blood, and is primarily used to provide an artificial replacement for lost kidney function in people with renal failure. Dialysis may be used for those with an acute disturbance in kidney function (acute kidney injury/ acute renal failure) or for those with progressive but chronically worsening kidney function – a state known as chronic kidney disease stage 5. The two main types of dialysis – Hemodialysis and Peritoneal dialysis – remove wastes and excess water from the blood in different ways.
    • Hemodialysis – The process removes wastes and water by circulating blood outside the body through an external filter, called a dialyzer that contains a semipermeable membrane.
    • Peritoneal Dialysis – Wastes and excess water move from the blood, across the peritoneal membrane, and into a special dialysis solution, called dialysate, in the abdominal cavity, which has a composition similar to the fluid portion of blood.

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