Amyloidosis is a group of diseases in which a protein, called amyloid, builds up in the organs and tissues. The buildup may happen in a single organ (localized) or throughout the body (systemically). Amyloid deposits can affect any organ or tissue.
There are three major types of systemic amyloidosis in India : –
Localized amyloidosis is associated with aging, as the body seems to naturally make amyloid as it ages. Two common conditions associated with localized amyloidosis are type 2 diabetes (where protein builds up in the pancreas) and Alzheimer’s disease (where protein builds up in the brain). Beta2-microglobulin amyloidosis occurs in people with kidney failure who have been on dialysis for a long time (beta2 -microglobulin is a protein that can build up in the blood as a result of kidney failure).
The signs and symptoms of amyloidosis depend on the location and size of the amyloid deposits.
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Most people who are diagnosed with AA have had their related inflammatory disease for a decade or more.
No one knows what causes Amyloidosis Treatment, and there may be more than one cause. Hereditary amyloidosis results from genetic changes that cause the body to make abnormal proteins. Researchers think that as we get older, damage builds up in the body and triggers the disease. This kind of damage may come from the body’s use of oxygen (oxidation) and from free radicals (harmful byproducts formed when cells use energy). Amyloid is also more likely to form in people who have immune system problems. Once amyloid deposits start, they seem to continue building up in the same locations. The heart, kidneys, nervous system, and GI tract are the most commonly affected.
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Your health care provider may suspect amyloidosis based on your symptoms, and will perform a physical exam, including blood or urine tests. The only way your doctor can definitively diagnose amyloidosis is by doing a biopsy, using a needle to remove a small amount of tissue to test for amyloid. With hereditary amyloidosis, DNA tests may reveal the genetic change that caused the condition. Special x-ray studies of tissue samples may show the structure of amyloid deposits. Depending on the signs and symptoms, your health care provider may use other tests to find out more about your condition, such as which organs are affected and whether your condition is getting worse.
There is no cure for amyloidosis. Treatment focuses on lessening symptoms and production of amyloid through diet and medications.
Those who have hereditary amyloidosis should consider going to genetic counseling to learn about the risks of passing the condition to their children.
Treatment involves decreasing the proteins that can make up amyloid. Chemotherapy is used to treat AL. Depending on the organs that are affected, your health care provider may ask you to follow a special diet (a low-sodium diet, for example, may help control fluid retention if your heart or kidneys are affected). There is no cure for AA, but medication can improve survival. The underlying condition must be treated. A liver transplant may be necessary for hereditary amyloidosis.
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