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Medical Tourism Faq India, Price Medical Treatment Mumbai India, Cost Medical, Medical Treatment In India, Medical Treatment , Medical Tourism Faq Delhi India

Q. What is medical tourism ?

Medical tourism is simply the process of traveling abroad to a specific destination to obtain certain medical procedures. Canadians and Europeans have been traveling outside their regions for years to obtain medical procedures due the long waiting periods associated with socialized medicine. Now they have an opportunity to seek top quality procedures, where they can recover in anonymity and luxury at more affordable rates.

Q. What services are included ?

Your package will include pick up from the airport, accommodation at a star hotels (paid separately), ground transportation to and from doctor’s appointment and hospital, medical procedure, travel reservations, trip itinerary and much more.

Q. Why should I consider medical or surgical procedures in India ?

The Clinical outcomes are at par with the world’s best centers having internationally qualified & experienced Doctors. Costs of the medical procedures in India are approximately 1/5th to 1/10th of costs in the west. This cost differential enables you the opportunity to have a vacation in an exotic country, recover in a star resort in complete anonymity, and then return home having spent less than the procedure alone in your country. There is no waiting time for any surgical procedures.

Q. Is India really a better place to get medical treatment ?

Yes, Currently India receives patients from over 50 countries across the world. Here are some reasons behind its emergence as the preferred healthcare destination: The cost of medical care in India is very low when compared to that in many western countries. India has a vast reservoir of skilled doctors. Many of them have proved their mettle in the US and UK and returned to India to work in hospitals here. The caliber of other doctors practicing in India is also of a very high order.

Q. What is the typical cost difference of medical procedures abroad ?

The difference in price depends upon the medical procedure you choose. The cost is 1/5th to 1/10th of costs of many procedures in the west. This significant cost reduction enables you purchase a round trip air ticket, recover in a star resort, buy a new wardrobe, and return home saving money.

medical tourism in india

Q. Why is medical care so much cheaper in India ?

Many countries have world-renowned health care system in terms of quality and technology, but have not adopted the legal system completely as in the western countries. For e.g Doctors in the US are required to pay medical malpractice insurance that usually cost over $100,000 annually.

Foreign doctors are required to pay medical malpractice insurance as well, but their costs are as low as $4000 annually. In addition to this insurance, certain economies are at different stages of development than the US. This absolutely does not mean that their healthcare technologies and institutions are behind the US. In fact, most of the private hospitals in India use exactly the same machines and instruments as the most advanced hospitals in the west

Q. I don’t know anyone in India. Then how am I to cope with travel, stay and surgery in India?

We Care India will arrange for you a comprehensive package for healthcare including your travel & stay arrangements in India. You will be in the hospital until you are mobile post surgery. Your hospital stay may vary depending upon the treatment you undergo. While in Hospital the nursing staff will take good care of you. Post Treatment We Care India can arrange for package which will help you in recuperating..

Q. What are the surgeries offered by your partner hospital and what are the rates?

This website provides extensive list with cost of treatment in India which may vary slightly as per the hospital / doctor selected and as per the individual medical condition.

Q. Do I have to pay any fees or commissions for your services?

We do not charge any fees or commissions from people who want to use the services of our healthcare partners.

Q. How can I trust the quality of Indian doctors?

India has a vast reservoir of skilled doctors. Many of them have proved their mettle in the US and UK and returned to India to work in hospitals here. The caliber of other doctors practicing in India is also of a very high order. We will provide you with resumes and facilitate phone conversations or even video conferences if required. If you are still not comfortable, we will work to provide you with the information about the doctors that is important to you.

Q. How do I pay the costs of surgery?

You pay the costs of surgery directly to the hospital. The benefits of such a payment are: Your money is paid directly to the service provider, i.e., the hospital and not to any intermediary

medical tourism in india

Q. How can I correspond with a doctor in India?

As part of our service, we will help facilitate the initial consultation between you and the doctor. Additional correspondence before traveling can be conducted via phone, email, and/or video-conference, if desired.

Q. Why should we select India as medical tourism destinations ?

There are several important factors into consideration. The most experienced and highest quality in the global medical tourism sector. Investing immense resources into building up the medical tourism infrastructure. It has also built advanced transportation and communications systems. The healthcare standards, professionalism and quality of their doctors at par with the world’s best.

Q. What if I don’t find the procedure that I am interest in on you website ?

Each and every procedure may not be listed in the website. However, most of the procedures are performed here in our partner hospitals. We would request you to send us your medical reports, medical condition details and doctors notes on our get a quote page or send us an email with the attachments.

Q. How can it be safe to travel so far after a surgical procedure ?

Your travel plans will be entirely dictated by the surgical procedure you select. Once you select a procedure and destination, we inform you about the recommended recuperation time required before return travel.

medical tourism in india

Q. I want to get my surgery / medical treatment done in India. How should I go about it ?

Here’s suggested step-by-step process in India : –

    1. step : – With your initial medical enquiry sent to us, submit your name, e-mail address, postal address and contact phone numbers on our website or thru a questionnaire.


    1. step : – Complete the second opinion questionnaire (Medical Quote Request Form) that we send to you by email. Basically this Medical Quote Request Form covers current nature of your ailment / your need for second medical opinion / various types of Diagnostic reports available with you and other medical records such as CT Scan / MRI Scans / back home hospital or clinic or your personal doctor’s conducted test reports / X-Rays etc. All these past or current medical history of a patients’ information’s helps our board certified medical specialists in answering your medical query with full details.


    1. step : – If further asked by our attending medical specialists / doctors for better understanding your medical conditions then send scanned copies of all your diagnostic reports / pathological reports / MRI / CT-Scans / OPG Images / Dental Moulds / X-Rays / Angiograms etc. to facilitate out specialists second opinion. You can also use our postal address to send CD’s or Xerox copies of all reports or use our Telefax or can also use postal mail or courier to send these.


    1. step : – Based on all above you will receive full information from the attending specialist doctor’s / medical consultants advice on your medical treatment approximate cost for rough planning purposes and total duration of your stay required at the hospital with pre -operative and post operative extra stay requirement etc. based on your posted surgery / medical treatment in India medical enquiry.


    1. step : – You will receive full details about cost of your stay at respective treatment city using a hotel or service apartment or guest house from us. Also, full details about your treating institution / hospital in India with profile of attending doctor’s / specialist and respective department at the Hospital where your medical treatment is suggested for your approval / consent and for planning purposes.


    1. step : – Acquire consent of your local physician to fly down to India. Inform us about consent / medical trip making condition.


    1. step : – Enter into the required agreements (Pre -Registration / Indemnity or Consent Bond or Agreement) with the hospital in India for your firm medical treatment with them.


    1. step : – Pay the surgery / medical treatment full cost / full fees to the hospital directly to book OT / doctors’ appointment / ward or room category chosen by you booking etc.


    1. step : – Receive details of your date of surgery / medical treatment via email support form us.


    1. step : – Proceed for India X Visa (given for special medical emergencies). Here you have to carry confirm appointment with your Indian medical specialist / India hospital booking etc. papers given by us for speedy India Visa clearance.


    1. step : – Book tickets to fly to India. Inform us about your international arrival / departure flight timings and flight number etc.


    1. step : – Fly down to India. receive by our representative or hospitals. Orientations of your treatment city / hotel or service apartment or guest house stay etc. are undertaken by us for your familiarization.


    1. step : – Meet the attending specialist / treating doctor at the hospital / treating Institution where you will undergo surgery / your medical treatment and proceed on your specific treatment / medical surgery there.


    1. step : – On completion of treatment / medical procedure / discharge from the hospital with final medical bill clearance and as per post – operative stay requirement suggested by your attending Indian medical specialist / doctor stay at the pre-booked hotel or service apartment or guest house and ones full clearance received from attending medical specialist / doctor is received either fly back home or enjoy a re-cuperative holidays in India for few weeks or as per opted choice.


  1. step : – Carry medications or prescriptions for generic medicines / drugs recommended by your attending medical specialist / doctor to carry home. Afterwards continue your post treatment follow – up if any, through email with attending medical specialist / doctor.

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Do you have your medical reports; send us now for a free quote –click here
Or email at [email protected] / Call +91 9029304141


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