What is an organ transplant?
Organ transplant refers to a procedure in which a healthy organ is removed from the dead body and placed in the individual whose organs are damaged or missed. However, before donating the organ, the individual needs to sign the contract which is a consent form that shows the donor is willingly donating his/her organ. The organ donor comes in two categories:
Living organ donor: Living donors are the type of people who are still alive and they can donate their kidneys and liver. So the surgeon can only remove these organs and transplant them organs into patients with damaged or missed kidneys and livers.
Deceased organ donor: removal of the organ from the deceased person requires the legal formality that needs to be done before the transplantation of the organs. In the case of deceased organ donors, the death certificate is required and consent from the individual when he/she is alive. Deceased individuals can donate the kidney, liver, heart, lungs, intestines, pancreas and tissues.
Who is eligible for organ transplantation?
If the individual wants to proceed with organ transplantation in India, then he/she needs to fulfil the following requirements:
Why organ transplant is important?
Organ transplants are important to save the lives of individuals and to improve the quality of life by curing serious illnesses and diseases. The following are the reasons for choosing organ transplant in India:
Saves the life: organ transplant helps individuals with damaged or missed organs to save their lives by providing them with an organ donor. Organ transplant helps individuals with life-threatening illnesses or injuries.
Improved quality of life: organ transplant is beneficial in the restoration of the function of organs, and helps in enhancing the quality of life.
Chance to live a full life: organ transplants in India provide individuals an opportunity to live full and active lives.
How does organ transplantation work?
Organ transplantation in India involves the surgical procedure of removal of healthy organs from the living or deceased donor and transplanting the organ into the patient facing the issue of damaged or missed organs. In short, it’s the procedure of replacing a failed organ with a functioning organ. This surgical procedure requires careful matching between the donor and the patient. The following points help you to understand the procedure of organ transplant in India:
Donor assessment: a donor is assessed with several tests and examinations to determine if the organs of the patient are healthy or not for transplantation.
Patient evaluation: Patients with damaged or missed organs or failed organs are evaluated with the help of tests and examinations. This evaluation is required to determine if the patient is a suitable candidate for the organ transplant or not.
Matching process: The living or deceased donor’s organ is matched with the patient’s factors such as the blood type, tissue type, size of the organ, and the last but important which is the waiting list time via the national organ-sharing organ.
Extraction of the organ: This step includes the procedure of organ retrieval from the body of the donor.
Transplantation: Under this step, the patient’s failed organ is removed and a healthy organ is transplanted from the donor.
Care after surgery: This includes the medication which is an immunosuppressant to help prevent organ rejection. The patient is closely monitored to prevent the complications.
Organ transplant cost in India
Organ transplant cost in India depend on the type of organ that is removed and transplanted into the patient. However, its minimum cost is up to 5 lakh and the maximum cost can go up to 35 lakh. If we talk about the kidney transplant then it can range between 5 to 15 lakh. The cost of a heart transplant can range from 20 to 25 lakh. The cost of a lung transplant can range between 25 to 35 lakh. This range of cost can vary on several factors including the hospital charges, type of surgery, room selection, complication of the case, surgeon’s charges, medication charges, medical procedure charges, use of advanced technology charges, infrastructure, success rate chargers, etc.
However, it’s just an estimation, the actual cost varies from hospital to hospital and the type of city in which you are getting the treatment. If you want to know the actual cost then contact us and get the consultation from us. The following table helps you to know the cost of different organ transplants in India:
Different types of organ transplant | Cost of Organ Transplant in India |
Kidney transplant cost in India | 5 to 15 lakh |
Liver transplant cost in India | Up to 25 lakh |
Heart transplant cost in India | 20 to 25 lakh |
Pancreas transplant cost in India | Up to 20 lakh |
Lung transplant cost in India | 25 to 35 lakh |
Intestine transplant cost in India | Up to 26 lakh |
Bone Marrow Transplant Cost in India | Up to 10 lakh |
The following table helps you understand the cost of organ transplants in India, different states of India:
States of India | Cost of organ transplant in different states of India (INR) |
Organ Transplant Cost in Bangalore | 5 to 35.5 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Hyderabad | 5 to 35.4 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Delhi | 5.5 to 35.5 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Mumbai | 5.5 to 35.5 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Punjab | 5.4 to 35.25 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Haryana | 5.5 to 35 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Rajasthan | 5.4 to 35.24 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Uttar Pradesh | 5.68 to 35.6 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Madhya Pradesh | 5.39 to 35.6 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Dehradun | 5.6 to 35.21 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Bihar | 5.26 to 35.5 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Jharkhand | 5.2 to 35.22 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Assam | 5.2 to 35 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Gujrat | 5.5 to 35.3 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Tamil Nadu | 5.5 to 35.34 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Andhra Pradesh | 5.4 to 35.2 lakh |
Organ Transplant Cost in Himachal Pradesh | 5.1 to 35.3 lakh |
Factors affecting the organ transplant cost in India
Several factors affect the cost of organ transplants in India:
Medical procedure: The medical procedure of removing of organ from the deceased or living donor and transplanting it into a patient can cost a price.
Type of organ: Different organ transplants have different costs. For instance, kidney transplantation has different costs, lung transplantation has different costs and heart transplantation has different.
Hospital’s facilities: These can include the hospital’s infrastructure, care, support, recognition, trustworthiness, etc. Additionally, the success rate provided by the hospital can also added to the cost of organ transplants in India.
Surgeon charges: The surgeon or doctor who examines the deceased donor to find out any illness or disease before the transplantation of the organ. Moreover, the consultation charges and transplantation of organ into the patient is also added in the cost of the organ transpalnt.
Location of the hospital: If the location of the hospital is far from the residence of the patient then it can add up in the travelling expense.
Why choose We Care India for organ transplant in India?
We Care India is the best medical service provider in India, and we take care of the patients along with the healthcare provider team. We have a medical team that works 24*7 to handle the medical cases. So feel free to contact us at any time as our friendly medical staff will help you with your medical enquiry. Pour highly qualified doctors work 6 days a week to diagnose your disease and assist you with one of the best treatments.
Moreover, our opening hours vary on different days. From Monday to Friday are different, Saturday timing is different and Sunday timing is different. Our trusted medical team offers personalised care. With the help of exceptional service, we ensure successful treatment. Our medical service provider centre is considered the top healthcare company that offers the best medications, treatment, surgical process, etc.
This centre offers several treatments or surgeries, such as organ transplants, brain and spine, and cancer treatment. So, this medical centre is to make your future bright like the moon. With 25 years of experience in the medical sector, we offer top-notch quality performance to patients struggling with any type of disease. Our centre specialises in organ transplants and offers smooth treatment.
Final thoughts
In short, the article is about organ transplant in India and we hope that this article will help you somehow. Organ transplant is a surgical treatment that involves addressing the issues of damaged or missed organs with the help of surgeons. It means it involves the removal of healthy organs from the living or deceased donor and transplanting them into the patient. In India, organ transplant is performed on an affordable budget. Every individual struggling with damaged or missed organ problems can easily get an organ transplant. However, before getting the treatment, the individaul needs to select the centre that offers the high-quality treatment without any complications at reasonable prices. Moreover, before organ transplantation, consent from the deceased donor is required.
FAQs (frequently asked questions)
What is the cost of organ transplants in India?
The cost of organ transplant in India ranges from 5 to 35 lakh. This cost varies on the type of organ removed or transplanted, location of the centre, success rate of the centre, surgeon’s charges, medical procedure, medications, etc.
Is organ transplant allowed in India?
Yes, organ transplant is allowed in India for individuals who have damaged or missed organs. So healthy organ is removed from the living donor or deceased donor to transplant into the patient.
Which hospital is best for organ transplants in India?
We Care India is one of the best centres that offers organ transplants in India. This centre has several facilities that can provide successful results, such as advanced technology, experienced doctors, and several years of experience. This centre ensures that you can live a happy lifestyle by keeping your body healthy.
What is the advantage of organ transplants in India?
The advantage of organ transplant is that it helps individuals to extend their life or save their life. If you are having a serious issue with damaged or missed organs then it can save your life. Organ transplant plays a major role in your life by providing you with better functionality of organs.
Can a 17-year-old donate a kidney in India?
If your age is 18 years or above 18 years then you can donate your organs. However, if you are below 18 years then you need to have consent from your legal guardian.
At We Care India, we offer complete medical services for your entire family, from routine check-ups to injury care, ensuring personalized attention and expert assistance for all your health needs.
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