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Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh - Best Spine Surgery Hospital in Delhi, India

Fortis Flt. Lt. Rajan Dhall Hospital, equipped with 200 beds and spread over an area of 1, 50, 000 sq. ft, is a manifestation of the founder’s vision of “creating a world-class integrated healthcare delivery system in India, entailing the finest medical skills combined with compassionate patient care”. Enhanced by the warmth & care of the professionally trained nurses and housekeeping staff, Fortis Hospital at Vasant Kunj recreates the comfortable ambience of home within its four walls.
24 hr services

  • 24 Hrs Emergency
  • Blood Bank
  • Laboratory
  • Radiology
  • Pharmacy
  • Ambulance
  • Dialysis

Awards & Recognitions

  • NABH Recognized

Minimal Access Gynae


Fortis FLT. LT. Rajan Dhall Hospital has a super specialized department of Minimal and Natural Access Gynae Surgery & Gynae Cancer Surgery (MNAGCS) and Gynae Robotic Surgery (GRS). This advanced tertiary level referral department has dedicated well trained specialists capable of handling routine and complex cases using state-of-the-art equipment. The inhouse team specialists perform almost all emergency and planned gynaecological procedures by the minimal access route via key hole incisions and/or by the natural access route via the vagina. The healing and recovery after using these routes of surgery, instead of the traditional route is quick and least stressful for patients and has excellent outcomes.


Services and Treatments offered


Scope of minimal & natural access surgery

As examples the following gynaecological conditions have been treated with good outcome by either laparoscopy (key hole surgery), hysteroscopy (scarless surgery inside the uterus), vaginal surgery (scarless surgery through the natural orifice vagina) or traditional open surgery as best and appropriate to each patient and the medical circumstances.


    • 1. Management of Fibroid uterus

Treatment is tailored to the individual medical circumstances, recommendations and personal preference of the patient to one of the following:


(A) Myomectomy (removal of the fibroid only) in patients who can have their uterus conserved . Myomectomy can be performed by the following routes:


a. Laparoscopic myomectomy by Key- hole surgery.
b. Hysteroscopic myomectomy to remove sub mucous fibroids or fibroid polyps.
c. Vaginal myomectomy to remove fibroids scarlessly through the natural orifice- the vagina.
(B) Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus along with the fibroids. The ovaries are generally preserved in younger women. This can be performed in either of the following ways:


a. Total laparoscopic or vaginally assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy – through Key-hole surgery
b. Vaginal hysterectomy- through the vagina like having a normal delivery or birth. The healing and recovery is best by this method.
c. Traditional hysterectomy- by the open method.


(C) Uterine artery embolozation: This is a radiological, non-surgical procedure which occludes the blood supplying the fibroids and results in the fibroid shrinking over a period of time.


    • 2. Management of Abnormal uterine bleeding


Management options for this include:


(A) Hysteroscopy
a. Hysteroscopic assessment to diagnose the cause for the abnormal bleeding.
b. Operative Hysteroscopy to remove uterine polyps or fibroids, which cause bleeding problems.(B) Mirena insertion- An intrauterine device loaded with hormones that are locally released into the uterine cavity . This may help control excessive blood loss during periods.
(C) Natural access scarless surgery for Vaginal hysterectomy
(D) Minimal access surgery i.e. total laparoscopic or laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy.
(E) Traditional surgery i.e. traditional open hysterectomy


    • 3. Management of Infertility & Bad Obstetric History-


Surgically treatable causes of infertility are diagnosed and treated using the minimal access route with optimum results which are improved even more with robotic assistance. Common examples of some of these conditions are as follows:


(A) Uterine causes: These can be picked by doing a diagnostic hysteroscopy and thereafter be treated at the same sitting by an operative hysteroscopic procedure as follows:

a. Hysteroscopic Polypectomy- Removal of uterine polyps

b. Hysteroscopic Myomectomy- Removal of fibroids projecting inside the cavity

c. Hysteroscopic Resection of a septum within the uterine cavity.

d. Hysteroscopic Adhesiolysis in Ashermans syndrome to enlarge the available space in the uterus by dividing the areas and membranes which have resulted in the walls of the uterus getting stuck to each other

e. Hysteroscopic Lateral metroplasy in a narrowed uterine cavity if the lateral walls are unduly thickened. The cavity is enlarged by opening up the space.
f. Laproscopic correction of congenital malformations of the uterus.

(B) Tubal causes: Surgical procedures for treating the tubal factor responsible for infertility include:-

a. Repair of the blocked tubes by laparoscopic tuboplasty – A block in the mid-segment of the tube is excised and the freshened edges on either side joined to each other.

b. Laparoscopic neosalpingostomy- unblocks the tubes at the outer ends.

c. Hysteroscopic tubal canulation- unblocks the tubes at the inner end.

d. Laparoscopic reversal of sterilization or tuboplasty – The block in the tube from a previous sterilization is corrected and patency restored.

e. Laparoscopic adhesiolysis- All membranes and areas which have distorted the internal anatomy and structures by being stuck to each other are released by the process, thus freeing the ovaries and tubes to facilitate fertilization and pregnancy.

(C) Ovarian causes: Ovarian cystectomy with preservation of ovaries for all kinds of cysts including dermoids, benign & malignant cystic tumours, endometriomas and solid ovaries and tumours etc.

(D) Peritoneal factors: Infections, adhesions, endometriosis or previous surgery can result in distorted anatomy, which can be corrected laparoscopically to as near normal as possible in order to maximize the chances of conception.

(E) Endometriosis: This common condition that may be in a mild or severe form, can be managed and surgically cleared using the advantage of magnification on the video monitor, by the laparoscopic approach.

(F) Genital tuberculosis: This is a common chronic infection, which can result in infertility and usually, difficult to confirm unless laparoscopy & hysteroscopy are done. Once diagnosed, treatment is initiated & thereafter chances of future fertility improved.

    • 4. Urinary stress incontinence-

      (A) TOT and TVT-: are surgical procedures, which are performed from the natural access route or vagina to correct urinary stress incontinence.
      (B) Laparoscopic Surgery for urinary stress incontinence: can relieve patients of the problem by keyhole surgery & results in early recovery.

    • 5. Prolapse-

      (A) Conventional vaginal surgery- Repair of the relevant pelvic compartment, which is weak with or without concomitant hysterectomy (uterus removal), can be performed using the natural access scarless approach.
      (B) Laparoscopic sling surgery- Using the minimal access technique of keyhole surgery, the weak and deficient areas of the pelvic floor can be hitched up and repaired. (C) Vaginal vault repair with sacrococcygeopexy- can be performed by either the vaginal (natural access route) or laparoscope route as judged best for the patient.

      Scope of Gynae Cancer Surgery


  • 6. Gynae cancers and precancers-

    (A) Colposcopy: Diagnosis and management of abnormal pap smears and precancerous lesions (CIN) of the cervix. Examination of the cervix is carried out under magnification to detect and treat early precancerous or cancerous changes.
    (B) Traditional and laparoscopic surgeries for gynae malignancies-

    a) Cancer of the uterine cervix

    1. Colposcopy, hysteroscopy, cystoscopy is performed to confirm and stage cancer of the cervix.
    2. Laparoscopically assisted radical vaginal hysterectomy or abdominal radical hysterectomy is used for the treatment of early cervical cancer
    3. Conservative surgery- Trachelectomy is an organ preserving surgery for very early cancer cervix
    4. Exentration procedures for advanced disease in suitable patients is undertaken in those who would have their quality and quantity of life improved when afflicted with this cancer.

    b) Cancer of the ovary/ fallopian tube

    1. Laparotomy/ laparoscopy for staging of the cancer and removal of all the areas affected by ovarian cancers. Optimal primary surgical treatment is undertaken for all including advanced epithelial ovarian cancer.
      Frozen section facility in the hospital enables the diagnostic procedure to be combined with the corrective procedure at the same sitting under the same anaesthetic.
    2. Cytoreductive surgery plus chemotherapy is offered versus chemotherapy alone for recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer as suitable to the individual patient.

    (c) Cancer of the uterine body (Endometrium / Sarcoma

Advantages & Scope of Robotic Surgery

Robotic surgery is a cutting edge technology, which enables laparoscopic surgery to be performed with even better precision and dexterity. It avoids general side-effects associated with open surgery and minimizes some of the challenges of laparoscopic procedures.


The advantages of robotic surgery are:-

  • (A)3D vision
  • (B)Enhanced surgical precision & accuracy resulting in better outcome
  • (C)Shorter hospitalization and faster recovery with earlier return to work
  • (D)Minimal blood loss
  • (E)Complicated surgery made simpler

The scope of robotic surgery:-
(A) Surgical laparoscopic procedures for infertility and bad obstetric history

  1. Repair of the blocked tubes by robotic laparoscopic tuboplasty.
  2. Robotic laparoscopic neosalpingostomy- unblocks the tubes at the outer ends.
  3. Robotic laparoscopic adhesiolysis- All membranes and areas which have distorted the internal anatomy and structures by being stuck to each other are released by the process freeing the relavant organs.
  4. Robotic laparoscopic treatment of endometriosis in its mild or severe form, can be managed and surgically cleared using the advantage of magnification & precision using the robot

(B) Gynae cancers and precancers-

Robotic laparoscopic surgery is particularly beneficial for cancer patients because of the advantage of the 3D vision wherein, removal of all lymph nodes and tumour tissues becomes easier and complete. This can be used to robotically perform radical surgery in patients with cancer of the cervix, uterus, and ovary.
Complicated surgery is made simpler.Our medical faculty of leading gynaecologists is supported by modern facilities, enabling them to provide quality medical care. Our Operation Theatres (OTs) are equipped with HEPA filters ensuring an infection free environment.
Our support services, laboratory, radiological and blood bank amongst interspeciality references & support go a long way in providing comprehensive and efficient patient care under one roof.


Department highlights:

Department of ENT is equipped with the finest technology and the highly qualified medical professionals to provide the best possible care to the patients with ailments related to Ear, Nose & throat, of all age groups. It has state-of-the-art facilities for voice disorders, phonosurgery and laryngology and is one of the few exclusive centres in the country and abroad doing so. The Department is well-equipped to take care of all Ear, Nose and Throat emergencies and has teams available round the clock to do so.

The Department of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) at Fortis Hospital, Vasant Kunj, brings together otolaryngologists, audiologists and speech therapists in a center specially designed for the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the ear, nose and throat.

Services and Treatments offered:

We offer comprehensive treatment/services as mentioned below.

  • Microsurgery of the Ear for,
    • Discharging EAR – Tympanoplasty/Tympanomastoidectomies
    • Deafness – Stapedectomy for Otosclerosis Myringotomy & Grommet for Deafness in children having fluid in the ears a very common cause of deafness in children
  • Endoscopic Surgery for disease of NOSE & SINUSES e.g.Ch Sinusitis,Tumours of Nose & Sinuses, Control of Bleeding from the Nose.
  • Endoscopic closure of CSF Rhinorrhoea (Brain fluid leaking into Nose)
  • TransNasal Endoscopic removal of Pituitary Tumour
  • Medical/Surgical management of all other common ailments of E.N.T.besides the specialized procedures as mentioned above.


  • Cochlear Implantation for congenital and acquired deafness.
  • Ear, nose & throat consultation and surgery.
  • Microscopic Surgery of the Throat.
  • Major & Minor ear, nose & throat surgery.
  • Pediatric ENT
  • Middle ear surgery
  • Endoscopic sinus surgery
  • Otoneurology
  • Laryngology & voice disorders
  • Nasopharyngoendoscopy
  • Phono surgery

Hearing Center:

  • Audiology (hearing evaluation
  • Tympanography
  • Hearing Aid Trial
  • Balance Disorders Center
  • Electronystagmography (ENG) / Vestibular retraining therapy
  • Vertigo diagnosis
  • Speech therapy / pathology


  • Complete ENT-equipped examination rooms
  • Electronystagmography (ENG)
  • Tympanography
  • Soundproof audiology testing booth
  • Balance disorders testing
  • Cochlear Implant Counseling


Department highlights

We provide a comprehensive gastroenterology service in a well equipped modern centre according to international standards. We specialize in gastroenterology and diseases of liver and pancreas.


We have a well equipped endoscopy department providing full range of diagnostic and therapeutic upper and lower GI procedures and ERCP. The department is staffed by 2 gastroenterologists providing round the clock cover. The department is supported by a high quality intensive care team and a specialist surgical team.



We investigate and treat all the diseases arising from the GI tract including those of liver and pancreas.


Treatment of Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis

Hepatitis B and C assessment and treatment of viral hepatitis (B & C)

Treatment of various gastroenterology conditions including gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Diagnosis and treatment of Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease

Services and Treatments offered

  • Upper GI endoscopy
    1. Diagnostic upper GI endoscopy
    2. Balloon dilatation of oesophageal Strictures (narrowings) and Achlasia
    3. Injection and banding of oesophageal varices
    4. Glue injection of gastric varices
    5. Oesophageal and duodenal stent insertion
    6. Gastric balloon insertion for weight loss
  • ERCP
    1. Stone extraction from Common bile duct and pancreatic duct
    2. Biliary and pancreatic stent insertion for benign and malignant disease
  • Colonoscopy and ileoscopy
    1. Diagnostic colonoscopy
    2. Polypectomy and EMR
    3. Injection of haemorrhoids
    4. Colonic stent insertion
    5. Bowel cancer screening

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