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Pediatric Surgery and Cost in India
Kim jest Szymon Besser

Pediatric Surgery and Cost in India

Pediatric Surgery in India

The Pediatric Surgery offers comprehensive pediatric surgical care for children up to 18 years of age. Division members work closely with other specialties to offer well-rounded patient care. The division works with patients' families to provide support and accommodations for local and out-of-town families.

Patient Conditions : -

Common Pediatrics Conditions
Neonatal anomalies
Emergencies of airway, chest and abdomen
Cardiac disease
Urological anomalies
Pediatric Surgery in India: Top Surgeons and Advanced Care

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  • Orthopaedic anomalies and growth problems
  • Endocrinopathies and ambiguous genitalia amenable to surgery
  • Patients with benign and malignant disease
  • Soft tissue, cervical, truncal and limb tumors
  • Neurological anomalies and acquired diseases

Comprehensive Evaluations : –

  • Prenatal evaluations and counseling
  • Postnatal diagnostic assessments
  • Pre-operative and post-operative family support
  • Multi-system evaluation for anomalies, tumors and trauma
  • Pediatric radiology services
  • Pediatric pathology services
  • Tumor diagnosis
  • VCUG (Voiding Cystourethogram) Often children and their families do not know exactly what to expect when visiting the hospital for certain tests and procedures. This short booklet is geared towards children and designed to help explain the steps of a Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG). We encourage parents and guardians to review the booklet before sharing it with your child. Once you are familiar with the resource it can guide you in the best way to explain the actual procedure to your child.

Specialized Treatments : –

  • Same day surgery
  • ICU monitoring and management
  • Sophisticated anesthesia geared to immature systems and physiology
  • Tumor management

Services to Physicians : –

  • Consultations on complicated cases
  • Second opinions
  • Evaluations of patient conditions
  • Special treatment procedures
  • Short-term and long-term management

Common pediatric diseases that may require pediatric surgery include : –

  • Common Pediatrics Treatments
  • cystic hygroma
  • esophageal atresia
  • tracheoesophageal fistula
  • hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
  • intestinal atresia
  • necrotizing enterocolitis
  • meconium plugs
  • Hirschsprung’s disease
  • imperforate anus
  • undescended testes
  • omphalocele
  • gastroschisis
  • hernias
  • chest wall deformities
  • neuroblastoma
  • Wilms’ tumor
  • Rhabdomyosarcoma
  • liver tumors
  • teratomas

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Types of Pediatric Surgery

Major surgery

A surgery is “major” if it involves the head, neck, chest or abdomen, because it can greatly affect the way the body functions. Recovery time for major surgery can be lengthy and may involve a stay in intensive care or at least several days in the hospital.

Minor surgery

A surgery is called “minor” if the estimated recovery time is short and a child rapidly returns to her usual activities. Complications from minor surgeries are rare.

Elective surgery

An elective procedure may not be essential for your child’s health, but you may decide your child should undergo it to enhance or preserve his quality of life. It doesn’t necessarily have to be done immediately.

Required surgery

A surgery is called “required” if it must be done to ensure the quality of your child’s life.

Emergency surgery

Surgeons will perform emergency surgery to correct a life-threatening medical condition, such as a congenital heart malformation or internal organs damaged in an automobile accident.


Pediatric is basically a branch of medicines which is only meant for the children from the birth to the stage of adolescence. Thus pediatric is not meant for the adults. The word “pediatric” is generated from the Greek words “paidi” and “iatros”. Here “paidi,” generally means a boy and “iatros,” refers to a doctor. Thus from this terminology “pediatric” means a doctor which is generally meant for the treatment of a young boy. This branch of medicine is only meant for the a specified age group which might start approximately when a baby is born till the completion of the adolescence stage, based on their psychological and physiological concepts.

Pediatricians deal with various problems of the children. For example, there are pediatricians who only deal with the dental health of the children. Moreover there are also pediatric cardiologists who generally deal with the cardiac or the heart conditions of the children. In the same way for dealing with cancer like leukemia in small children, there are pediatric oncologists. Thus it can be estimated in this context that there are pediatricians and pediatric medicines which are solely meant for the children from birth to the stage of adolescence.

In the field of pediatrics, there are also pediatric nurses who are meant for taking care of the infants, the children and the adolescence. It is to be noted out here that the pediatric nurses are generally trained in the field of taking care of young patients and in assisting the doctors in their work. Pediatric generally means taking intensive care and attention of the young patients. As the young patients are generally found to be afraid and scared of certain treatments, pediatricians in different field thus helps in providing self help and confidence in the young patients.

Pediatrics also involves surgical operations. But this form of surgery generally varies from the type of surgery which is meant for the adults. Pediatric surgeons perform the pediatric surgery in the hospitals which are generally meant for the children. The important concept which is worth mentioning in respect of pediatric treatment is that as the young children are not capable of making any decision, thus the decision related to the treatment of the young patients by the pediatricians should get the confirmation of the young patients guardians regarding the type of treatment and surgery meted out to the young patients.

Types of Pediatric Surgery in India :

  • Major surgery
    A surgery is “major” if it involves the head, neck, chest or abdomen, because it can greatly affect the way the body functions. Recovery time for major surgery can be lengthy and may involve a stay in intensive care or at least several days in the hospital.
  • Minor surgery
    A surgery is called “minor” if the estimated recovery time is short and a child rapidly returns to her usual activities. Complications from minor surgeries are rare.
  • Elective surgery
    An elective procedure may not be essential for your child’s health, but you may decide your child should undergo it to enhance or preserve his quality of life. It doesn’t necessarily have to be done immediately.
  • Required surgery
    A surgery is called “required” if it must be done to ensure the quality of your child’s life.
  • Emergency surgery
    Surgeons will perform emergency surgery to correct a life-threatening medical condition, such as a congenital heart malformation or internal organs damaged in an automobile accident.

Common pediatric diseases that may require pediatric surgery include: 

  • Cystic hygroma
  • Esophageal atresia
  • Tracheoesophageal fistula
  • Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
  • Intestinal atresia
  • Necrotizing enterocolitis
  • Meconium plugs
  • Hirschsprung’s disease
  • Imperforate anus
  • Undescended testes
  • Omphalocele
  • Gastroschisis
  • Hernias
  • Chest wall deformities
  • Neuroblastoma
  • Wilms’ tumor
  • Rhabdomyosarcoma
  • Liver tumors
  • Teratomas

Common peadiatric treatments In We Care India :

Understanding Pediatric Surgery in India

Pediatric Surgeons are medical doctors who specialize in the surgical treatment of conditions affecting children. Pediatric surgeons operate on children whose development ranges from the newborn stage through the teenage years. In addition to completing training and achieving board certification, pediatric surgeons complete two additional years of training exclusively in children’s surgery. They then receive special certification in the subspecialty of pediatric surgery.

How Much Does the Pediatric Surgery Cost in India?

The Pediatric Surgery Cost in India is very reasonable which can be easily afforded by people of each class. The estimated cost of Pediatric Surgery in India is USD 7,000 which is quite reasonable as compared to the cost for Pediatric Surgery in other developed countries. The reason behind offering such reasonable cost is that people across the globe can afford this cost to treat the diseases in infants, fetuses, children, and adolescents.

What is The Role of Pediatric Surgery in India?

The surgeons at the hospitals under We Care India perform the Pediatric Surgery to treat the diseases and conditions in infants, fetuses, children, and adolescents who require surgical interventions. The pediatric surgeons in India first diagnose the condition and after that, they will offer the best treatment plan and also manage the surgical needs of children. These surgeons are highly skilled professionals who treat the minor endoscopic procedures to the major and complex procedures which include the repairing of the birth defects in children and separate the conjoined twins.

If your child is dealing with any injury, illness or disease and they need the pediatric surgery then we have the best pediatric surgeons at the hospitals under We Care India who have the experience and qualifications to treat your child and allow them to leave healthy and disease-free life. According to the study, it has been found that the surgical problems seen by the pediatric surgeons are different from those commonly seen by the general surgeons. Also, all the pediatric surgeons need to undergo the special training in pediatric surgery which is important for all. The pediatric surgeons use the equipment which is being used to treat the diseases in children. We have pediatric surgeons who are patient-friendly and help them to live a quality of life.

India is a country where pediatric surgeons treat children from the new-born stage through the late adolescence. The pediatrician doctors in India practice in various medical institutions which include the child hospitals in India as well. In case your pediatrician doctor suggests that you need to visit with your child to a pediatric surgeon then make sure that the pediatric surgeon has the wide range of the treatment options to treat the surgical disorders in your child.

When to Visit a Pediatric Surgeon?

When the following conditions arise that’s the time you need to visit the pediatric surgeon and these are:

  • A condition when a child is born with a congenital defect or experiencing any trauma.
  • When you tried other surgery and it failed to provide the successful outcome then you need to visit the pediatric surgeon.
  • When there is a development of complications in a child after the surgery such as infection, excessive bleeding, and organ failure.

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