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What is Something that almost nobody knows about Breast Cancer?

aThere are 10 facts that nobody knows about breast cancer and these are as follows:

a) Alcohol: Alcohol is linked to breast cancer and drinking one alcoholic drink per day can slightly increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. However, if women take two to five drinks every day then the risk increases by one and halftime. Alcohol will increase women odds by raising certain hormone levels and by damaging DNA in cells.

b) Lumps: Lumps are the most common symptom of breast cancer. If breast cancer spreads to lymph nodes which may cause lumps and swells around your underarm or the collarbone. If you see the lumps then immediately visit the doctor as most of the breast lumps are benign, and some may go away on their own, but it is advisable to have lumps checked.

c) Obesity: Obesity is one of the major facts which most of the people are unaware that it can raise the risk of breast cancer. You can control this symptom of breast cancer by following some simple steps such as change your food habits, do regular exercise, limit your alcohol intake etc. can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

d) Age: Risk of breast cancer increase with age. According to study, one out of three breast cancers are diagnosed in the people over the age of 70 years.

e) Stress: According to the study, the daily stress and adverse life events increase the risk of breast cancer. Stressful life events are common and there are many women who all have experienced them in the run-up to being diagnosed with breast cancer, however, according to the survey, those stressful events are unlikely to be the cause of the breast cancer.

f) Check Mammograms: Mammograms is a still an important tool for identifying breast cancer in its early stages. The sooner your breast cancer diagnosed, the better are the chance of survival. According to the study, mammograms are not full proof in finding cancer, but there are many cases of false positives. Instead of seeing mammogram as the definitive diagnostic tool, look at as more informative tool which can help you to decide whether or not you need to take extra precautions or get further testing.

g) Be choosy about Birth controlling pills: As we all know that breast cancer is hormone-sensitive and the hormonal birth controlling pills can increase your risk for breast cancer. Progesterone is only contraceptives which can double your risk when used for a year or longer. According to the study, the women with the family history of breast cancer can relate to mutations in the BRCA genes and therefore, they should use caution before taking birth controlling pills.

h) Death due to breast cancer: According to study, death is the second leading cause of breast cancer among women across the globe between the ages of 20 and 59, and it became the leading cause of death for women worldwide.

i) Early Screening: We all are not aware that early detection of breast cancer is a key to successful treatment and survival and there are women who ignored their first screening invitation. So it is advisable to all the women to get them screened to avoid the risk of breast cancer.

j) Bright Future: Women who had breast cancer can also have a bright future if their breast cancer is diagnosed at early stages and they will get the best treatment which increases their survival rates.

How to choose the best hospital to treat breast cancer?

Nowadays, it becomes easy to find the best hospital for your medical treatment as you can search the best hospital through the internet or you can also check with your friend or relative who had undergone for the same type of treatment.

To choose the best hospital you need to check the success rates of the procedure, qualification and education of the doctor, the time is taken for the procedure, cost of the procedure etc. In case, you are not able to search through internet then you can contact the representative of We Care India, the leading medical tourism company which has tie-ups with the best and renowned hospitals across the globe. They will first ask you to send your medical reports and once the reports are evaluated, on that basis the doctor will suggest you the treatment. Once you visit the We Care India the representative will be with you throughout your journey and will inform you about your treatment at every stage so that you will achieve the highest success rates.

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