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Surgery Treatments in India
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Surgery Treatments in India: World-Class Care at Affordable Costs

Minimally invasive surgical procedures are commonly used to treat stress urinary incontinence (SUI), the most prevalent form of incontinence. SUI occurs when the bladder experiences inadequate support from weakened pelvic muscles or due to a damaged or weak urethra, leading to urine leakage during physical activities such as coughing, sneezing, or exercising. At the University of Maryland, two effective surgical treatments for SUI are the Tension-Free Vaginal Tape (TVT) and the TVT Obturator System (TVTO). Both procedures involve the insertion of a supportive mesh to help stabilize the urethra, reducing or eliminating incontinence symptoms. These methods are minimally invasive, requiring only small incisions and offering quicker recovery times compared to traditional surgeries.

TVT and TVTO provide long-term relief for many patients suffering from SUI, helping them regain control and improve their quality of life with minimal disruption.
Surgery Treatments in India

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The Minimally Invasive Procedure in India

BPH treatment with the Índigo Laser System is called interstitial laser coagulation. It is a laser procedure used to treat BPH (enlarged prostate). In this minimally invasive procedure, a urologist threads a special Índigo fiber into a cystoscope (a tube) that goes through the urethra and into the prostate. The fiberoptic tip is carefully placed in the area targeted for treatment. Laser energy through the fiberoptic tip is then used to precisely destroy the enlarged part of the prostate. No cutting is involved at all.

The enlarged prostate tissue that is destroyed is absorbed naturally by the body. As the prostate shrinks (over a few weeks), pressure on the bladder and the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder through the penis) is lessened. This decreases the symptoms of BPH.

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The treatment is typically an outpatient procedure, meaning patients are not usually required to stay overnight in the hospital. However, the procedure is now being performed in doctors’ offices. BPH treatment with the Índigo Laser System can be completed in 30 minutes or less. And there are many choices of anesthesia available. These includegeneral (where the patient is unconscious), spinal (where the patient has no feeling below a certain point on his body), and local (only the immediate area being treated is numbed). Choice of anesthesia will vary depending on the patient and the size of the prostate.

Benefits Include in India :

  • Less pain during recovery time
  • Avoidance of damage caused by muscle retraction of open surgery
  • Reduced blood loss
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Quicker recovery times
  • Less visible scars
  • Safe as conventional

What Causes SUI ?

Stress incontinence may occur as a result of weakened pelvic muscles that support the bladder and urethra, or because of malfunction of the urethral sphincter. Prior trauma to the urethral area, neurological injury, and some medications may weaken the urethra.

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