In medicine, deep vein thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot (“thrombus”) in a deep vein. It is a form of thrombophlebitis (inflammation of a vein with clot formation).

What are veins and what is their function?


Veins are blood vessels that return blood from all the organs in the body toward the heart. When the different organs use oxygen from the blood to perform their functions, they release the used blood containing waste products (such as carbon dioxide) into the veins. Blood in the veins is then transported to the heart and returned to the lungs, where the waste carbon dioxide is released and more oxygen is loaded by the blood and taken back to the rest of the body by the arteries.

Veins also act as a storage for unused blood. When the body is at rest, only a portion of the available blood in the body circulates. The rest of the blood remains inactive in the veins and enters the active circulation when the body becomes more active and needs the additional blood to carry oxygen to entire body. This storing capacity is due to the elasticity (flexibility to expand) of the walls of the veins.

Varicose veins are abnormally enlarged superficial veins in the legs.

  • Varicose veins may ache or cause itching or a sensation of tiredness.
  • Doctors can detect varicose veins by examining the skin.
  • Surgery or injection therapy can remove varicose veins, but new ones often form.

The precise cause of varicose veins is unknown, but the main problem is probably a weakness in the walls of superficial veins. This weakness may be inherited. Over time, the weakness causes the veins to lose their elasticity. They stretch and become longer and wider. To fit in the same space that they occupied when they were normal, the elongated veins become convoluted. They may appear as a snakelike bulge beneath the skin. Varicose veins often develop during pregnancy and resolve shortly after childbirth.

Symptoms and Complications Surgery in india

Besides being unsightly, varicose veins commonly ache and cause a sensation of tiredness in the legs. However, many people, even some with very large veins, have no pain. The lower part of the leg and ankle may itch, especially if the leg is warm after a person has been wearing socks or stockings. Itching can lead to scratching and can cause redness or a rash, which is often incorrectly attributed to dry skin. The pain is sometimes worse when varicose veins are developing than when they are fully stretched.

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reatment in india

Varicose veins are usually harmless. They can be treated with ligation surgery orsclerotherapy (injected medication to close affected vein so that blood moves to another vein). Spider veins can be treated with sclerotherapy and laser. Though newer and supposedly effective removal methods will surely be developed in time to come, it is always important to make sure you gather lots of information about these procedures and seek professional and sound advice before deciding what is good for you.

Seek a physician if you cut a varicose vein, experience pain, swelling or develop skin ulcers near a varicose vein.

List Of other Common Treatments Available in India


The Closure Method In Treating Varicose Veins.

Correctly called the endoluminal radiofrequency elimination of varicose veins (or simply “closure”) the method uses radiofrequency current generated heat that can warm up tissues up to 180 degrees F.

The technology is not new at all. The radiofrequency current was used for decades in general surgery to cut tissues and coagulate (seal off) small blood vessels. In the last 10-15 years the technology is also used in cardiology to treat several forms of rhythm disturbances refractory to medical management.

It is known for a long time that connective tissue, when heated, shrinks. This is the direct result from heat’s impact on collagen, a fibrous protein that makes up 90% of the organic material of all tissues, veins included. Collagen is like a stretched out spring but when heated the bonds keeping the spring-like substance taut is released and the collagen spring shrinks into a jumbled coil shriveling the tissue. The probe (catheter) introduced into a vein under local anesthesia, is meant therefore to close the vein without the need to remove it surgically.

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