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Benefits of having Lasik Surgery in India

The following are the benefits of having Lasik Surgery in India and these are:

a)    Improved vision: According to the study, it has been found that your vision will be dramatically improved after having Lasik Surgery in India. On the other side, there are some people who will see at least 85% improvement in their vision and this mainly depends on the individual eye condition.

b)    Long term results: LASIK is a procedure that takes a few months to adjust your vision, however, once your eyes are adjusted, the results should be permanent. The patient needs to follow-up after laser eye surgery only when their eyesight changes slightly with their increased age.

c)    Speedy Recovery: Your eye surgeon will suggest you not to drive after Lasik Surgery in India. People will recover fast after laser eye surgery and will return to their normal lifestyle on the next day of the surgery.

d)    No more contact lens: Once you have an improvement in your vision after laser eye surgery then there is no need to wear the glasses or contact lenses. People who wear the contact lens for them its good news that they are not at the high risk of eye irritation and eye infection, which can be a huge problem with contact lenses. After laser eye surgery your eyes will not get irritated by any kind of dusty environment.

e)    No stitches or bandages: There is no need for stitches or bandages after Lasik Surgery in India. LASIK is a procedure that gives you back your vision and freedom.

Risks of Lasik Surgery in India

The following are the risks associated with Lasik Surgery in India and these are:

a)    Dry eyes: After LASIK surgery there is a temporary decrease in tear production. For the first few months after your surgery, you may experience unusually dryness in your eyes as they heal. It has been found that dry eyes can reduce the quality of your vision. Your eye surgeon will recommend using eye drops during this time, but, if you still experience severe dry eyes then you could opt for another procedure to prevent your tears from draining away from the surface of your eyes.

b)    Undercorrections: If the too little tissues are removed by laser from your eye then you will not get the clearer vision results as you were hoping for. The people who have nearsighted for those under corrections are more common. You may need another LASIK procedure within a year to remove more tissue.

c)    Overcorrections: There is a possibility that the laser will remove too much tissue from your eye. Overcorrections in such cases may be more difficult to fix than under corrections.

d)    Glare, halos, and double vision: After LASIK eye surgery you may face difficulty seeing at night. You might experience glare, halos around bright lights, or double vision. This condition of your eye will generally last for a few days to a few weeks. Even when a good visual result is measured under standard testing conditions at that time also your vision in dim light may be reduced to a greater extent after the surgery as compared to before the surgery.

e)    Flap problems: While removing the flap or folding it back from the front of your eye during surgery can cause complications which include infection and excess tears. It has also been found that the outermost corneal tissue layer may grow abnormally underneath the flap during the healing process.

f)    Vision loss or change: You may experience a vision loss due to surgical complications and there are chances that some people may not see as sharply or clearly as previously.

g)    Astigmatism: Astigmatism is caused by the removal of uneven tissue. It may require additional surgery, glasses, or contact lenses.

How the surgeon will perform Lasik Eye Surgery in India?

The surgeons at the hospitals under We Care India perform the Lasik Eye Surgery in India by creating a very thin superficial flap in your cornea with a small surgical tool which is known as a microkeratome or with a femtosecond laser.

The surgeon will fold back the hinged flap so that they can easily access the underlying cornea and removes some corneal tissue using an excimer laser.

Excimer lasers are a tool that creates a cool ultraviolet light beam that helps your eye surgeon in removing the microscopic amounts of tissue from the cornea to reshape it so that light entering in your eye focuses more accurately on the retina for improved vision.

The people who have nearsighted they require to flatten the cornea and people with farsighted need a steeper cornea. With the help of excimer lasers, astigmatism can also be corrected by smoothing an irregular cornea into a more normal shape.

Your eye surgeon will place the flap laid back after the laser ablation reshapes the cornea and will cover the area where the corneal tissue was removed. During your healing period, the flap seals to the underlying cornea following the surgery.

Lasik Eye Surgery in India is a procedure that only requires the anesthetic drops, and no bandages or stitches are required.

Recovery after Lasik Eye Surgery in India

After the Lasik Eye Surgery in India, your eyes start healing immediately, and the initial healing process usually occurs rapidly. For several weeks or even months after LASIK surgery, you experience some blurred vision and fluctuations in your vision.

Your eye surgeon will see you on the next day of your surgery to check your visual acuity and make sure that your eyes are healthy and healing properly. Most of the patients are able to return to work on the day after their LASIK procedure.

You need to visit the eye center for regular follow-up which will be scheduled for a period of six months or longer to monitor your vision and the condition of your eye. In most of the cases, it has been found that the vision should be stable at the six-month post-operative visit. If you experience dry eyes, glare, halos, etc. after LASIK surgery, which are common symptoms and will be significantly reduced after the six-month visit.

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