Cardiac surgery is surgery of the heart or the other primary blood vessels which include Vena cavae, Pulmonary artery, Pulmonary veins, Aorta.
Heart diseases also include Ischaemic heart disease meaning diseases characterized by reduced blood supply, Congenital heart disease, heart disease that exists at birth and other problems caused by endocarditis, which leads to treating valves, and includes heart transplantation are other serious heart disorders
Cardiac surgery is done to correct problems with the heart. More than half a million heart surgeries are done each year in the United States for a variety of heart problems.
Cardiac surgery is used to correct heart problems in children and adults. This article discusses heart surgeries for adults.
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Cardiac surgery is surgery on the heart and/or great vessels performed by a cardiac surgeon. Frequently, it is done to treat complications of ischemic heart disease (for example, coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG)), correct congenital heart disease, or treat valvular heart disease created by various causes including endocarditis. It also includes heart transplantation.
Together, the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery continues to improve patient health through continual scientific innovation, revolutionary operative care, and exemplary surgical education.
We Care cardiothoracic surgeons perform the full spectrum of cardiac surgical procedures, specializing in medically complex patients.
Fat, cholesterol and other substances clog the coronary arteries and so the flow of blood to the heart vessels becomes slow leading to chest pain or heart attack. Increasing the blood flow can reduce the risk of heart attack.
Around the blocked part of the coronary artery the surgeon make a bypass by using a healthy blood vessel from another part of the body.
Depending on the blockage of the coronary artery one, two, three or more bypass grafts can de done on a patient.
Today the hospital is recognised as a renowned institution, not only providing outstanding care and treatment, our goal is to deliver quality care in a respectful and strive to be the first and best choice for healthcare.
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