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What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are an abnormal and swollen blood vessel which has been caused by a weakening of the vessel wall. These are the veins which might appear as clusters of blue or purple veins. Sometimes these veins are surrounded by thin a red capillary which is known as spider veins which is a group of small blood vessels that has been located close to the surface of the skin. The varicose veins can appear anywhere in the body but more often they will appear on the legs and in the pelvic area. Most...
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Signs of a Heart Attack

The following are the signs of Heart Attack which need to be caught early and these are: a) Chest discomfort: In most of the cases of heart attacks you will feel discomfort in the center of the chest which lasts more than a few minutes or sometimes it may go away and then return. You will feel like uncomfortable pressure, pain, squeezing or fullness. b) Sweating: This is a symptom where you can feel similar to hormonal hot flashes or night sweats. c) Shortness of breath: This symptom of heart at...
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What is Affordable Cervical Spine Surgery in India ?

Cervical Spine Surgery in India is a procedure which is performed to alleviate weakness, tingling, numbness, and pain that has been associated with the cervical spine. The surgeons at the hospitals under We Care India also perform cervical spine surgery to correct any abnormalities in the functioning of the spine and also help to restore a proper level of nerve function. Cervical surgery mainly depends on the general condition of the patient and what surgeons need to do to ease pressure on the n...
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Azoospermia treatment in India- the treatment effective for all the patients in India

Azoospermia treatment in India is the treatment for the men who are facing infertility issues and around 5% of the men facing infertility can be suffered from this kind of issue as seen by the experts of we care India which is a medical treatment which many men can go through and finds absence of measurable amount of sperms within the ejaculated semen. The condition might occur either by the production of sperm or can be with the problem related to male reproductive part for the tractor by both...
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What is mean by having a Refractive Error in the Eye? How it is Corrected?

A refractive error is a very common eye disorder which affects your eye ability to focus on the images from the outside world which means you will face difficulty to see the objects clearly. The result of refractive errors is blurred vision and sometimes this is so severe that it will cause visual impairment. What causes refractive error eyes? The following are the four most common causes of refractive errors: a) Myopia (nearsightedness): In this type of refractive error you will face difficulty...
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Are There Any Treatments For Liver Cancer?

Yes, there are various treatments available to treat liver cancer, however, treatment options depend on several factors and these are as follows: How much of your liver is affected by cancer? Your overall health and your preferences. How much of your cancer has spread? The damage to the remaining cancer-free area of the liver. Available Treatment Options for Liver Cancer The following are some of the commonly performed procedures at the hospitals under We Care India to cure the liver cancer and...
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Why Surgeons Perform Valve Repair Surgery in India?

The surgeons at the hospitals under We Care India perform the Valve Repair Surgery in India to treat the heart valve diseases. The heart valve is a disease where at least one of the four heart valves which keep blood flowing in the correct direction through your heart doesn’t function properly. These valves include the tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve, mitral valve, and aortic valve. Each valve in the heart has flaps for the mitral and tricuspid valves, and cusp for the aortic and pulmonar...
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How Much Does Spine Surgery in Delhi Usually Cost?

As we all know that the spinal conditions can be varied from musculoskeletal impairments, nerve disorders to joint dysfunction due to the spinal injuries people suffer from a lot of frustration as it affects their mobility. With the advancement in medical science, we have different procedures to treat the spinal injuries. Delhi is a city where we have the best hospitals with the qualified and experienced surgeons who will help the patients to get rid out of the pain and that too at a very reason...
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Infertility and Men: What You Should Know

It is important to know that when a couple is unable to conceive a baby after a year or more it could be due to male infertility. In fact, male infertility is just as common as female infertility and there are many people who are unaware of this. We Care India is a centre where the fertility experts will help you in exploring the exact causes and treatments to cure male infertility. What Do You Understand By Male Infertility? Male infertility is an issue which generally occurs because of one of...
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