As more women are waiting longer to have children, egg freezing is becoming more relevant and in demand as many women are facing the real challenge of having successful, healthy pregnancies later in life. While we have made great strides in other areas, our fertility is still limited by basic biology – the “biological clock” generally stops ticking in our late 30’s or early 40’s. Our opportunities are endless, but our egg supply and egg quality are not, that is why more women are seeking egg freezing services.
Egg Freezing offers women planning to have children after the age of 35 the opportunity to effectively slow down their biological clocks.
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Egg Freezing offers women planning to have children after the age of 35 the opportunity to effectively slow down their biological clocks. Extend Fertility’s egg freezing services give women the unprecedented chance to store their eggs during their reproductive prime for use when they wish to start or expand their families.
I am in a hurry to begin the egg freezing procedure. How soon can I begin the program?
Program enrollment for qualified individuals is on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to the extraordinary amount of individualized effort devoted to each case, once the monthly limit on patient enrollees has been exceeded, patients waiting to begin will roll over to the following month. Please remember that from the onset of a menstrual period, there is as much as a 21-day hold on treatment while your ovaries are prepared for the necessary stimulation medications. It is suggested that all patients enroll as soon as they are certain of their desire to freeze their eggs and provide us their preferred treatment month. We will do everything possible to accommodate scheduling needs.
Is there any way to know in advance if the eggs will survive the freezing process?
Studies have shown that there is tremendous variability in the ability of eggs to tolerate the freezing process. They have also shown that within a single group of eggs frozen, some will survive and others will not. In those that do survive the freeze and later thaw, some will fertilize when exposed to sperm and others will not. We are working very hard to minimize the variability in responses seen in individual patients and their eggs. The prior survival and fertilization of eggs is a good predictor of subsequent performance as long as a long lapse between procedures (and an increase in the age of the patient) has not occurred.
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