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Frequently Asked Questions on Cataract Surgery

  • What is a cataract?

A cataract happens due to cloudiness in the natural eye lens mainly because of the deterioration of the eye lens. The condition generally affects old age people and causes visual impairment. The individual with cataract often face difficulty reading and has blurred vision.

  • Is it possible to cure cataracts without surgery?

While it is possible to stop further development and worsening of the cataract by following a certain diet and medication, but only a surgery can help you get permanently rid of the cataract. Cataract surgery with the advanced technological procedure is the best option to have your normal vision restored.

  • When is cataract surgery recommended?

Cataract surgery is recommended when the cataract of the patient becomes severe and prevents him from performing everyday menial tasks such as walking, reading, cooking, driving, etc. As soon as a patient develops cataract in the eye, then it is best to go for the surgery, however, if the cataract is mild and does not interfere with everyday tasks, then, the doctor may not suggest surgery. The doctor suggests the best course of treatment according to the severity of the cataract of the patient.

  • Is cataract surgery performed on both eyes simultaneously?

No, it is not possible to operate both eyes at the same time as it may cause damage to the eye. The surgeon first conducts the surgery to remove the cataract from one eye and after some weeks of the surgery, when recovery is noticed, he operates the patient for performing cataract surgery on the other eye. The gap between the two surgeries is essential for ensuring an effective surgery to the first eye so that the normal vision of the first eye is easily restored.

  • What are the different types of cataract surgery?

There are different types of cataract surgery such as Laser-assisted Cataract Surgery, Extracapsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE), Phacoemulsification, etc. However, the best cataract surgery for the patient is decided only after they visit an eye specialist. Out of these surgeries, Phacoemulsification is the most advanced procedure for cataract surgery as it uses ultrasonic waves for destroying the faulty lens and can be performed by making very small incisions.

  • How is the cataract surgery done?

For operating the patient for cataract surgery, he is given general anesthesia to put him in a state of oblivion so that he does not experience the pain caused in the surgery. Then, a surgeon makes a small incision in the surface of the eye with a laser. He then destroys the cloudy natural eye lens and sucks out the remnants of the lens with a method called aspiration. Then, he inserts the Intraocular Artificial Lens (IOL) of high-quality into the patient’s eye and closes the incisions. The surgery takes up to 30 minutes to complete.

  • Is cataract surgery safe and painless?

Yes, it is a safe and painless process as the patient is put under anesthesia before beginning the surgery. However, he may experience minimal discomfort during the surgical process due to the use of a scalpel and other surgical tools. Our surgeons make sure to minimize the pain and discomfort caused to the patient and conducts a safe cataract surgery.

  • What not to do after cataract surgery?

There are certain things to be avoided in order to have a speedy recovery after the cataract surgery. For the first few weeks, the patient is advised to carry sunglasses with him every time he steps out of the home in order to protect his eyes. Place the shield over your eyes provided by the doctor when sleeping. Avoid taking a long bath especially hot-baths in the initial days after the surgery. Use eye drops given by the doctor and visit the doctor to get your eyes checked during the recovery period.

  • Are there any side effects of cataract surgery?

There are some chances of infections or other complications if the patient already has some underlying health issues. Some patients may experience swelling in the eye, bleeding, itching, but there are no major complications involved. But side effects rarely happen in the cataract surgery as the surgeon comprehensively analyzes the medical health of the patient to make sure there will be no complications after the surgery. The surgeon will not perform the cataract surgery unless it is confirmed that you are healthy enough to undergo the surgery.

  • How to find the best hospital for cataract surgery?

The best eye hospital for cataract surgery in India is selected on the basis of the experience of the surgeons and the number of successful cataract surgeries performed by them. We Care India is the best medical tourism company to contact in India in order to get your cataract treatment from highly experienced ophthalmologists and surgeons. We offer cataract surgery cost in India at the most affordable cost and to find out other details, contact us.

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