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How Much Does a Cancer Treatment Cost in India?

India is a country where you will get cancer treatment at very reasonable and affordable cost as the surgeons in India especially at the hospitals under We Care India value for your money and this is the reason they offer the same international standard quality of treatment at very reasonable cost as compared to the cost of cancer treatment in other developed countries like the USA, UK, Russia, Canada, Australia, etc. Also, you will get the best cancer hospitals in India which use the most advanced and latest technologies such as Proton Beam Therapy, Cyberknife, Immunotherapy, Radiotherapy, IGRT, IMRT, Linear Accelerator, Precision medicine, etc. are few of the technology and treatment available at these hospitals.

The people in the developed countries like the USA, UK, Russia, Canada, etc. can only afford Cancer Treatment Cost if they have insurance coverage as this treatment is very expensive in these developed countries which prompt people to travel India for their cancer treatment. For people leaving in developed countries like USA, UK, Australia, Russia, etc. who are covered by insurance, but they find the co-pay very high also choose to travel to India for their cancer treatment.

Cost of Lung Cancer Treatment in India

The cost of lung cancer treatment depends on the procedure you opt to treat your cancer. The following are the ways through which lung cancer can be treated and these are:

a) Surgery: To treat lung cancer, surgery is the best method which is performed to excise the cancerous tumor and the surrounding lung tissue to cure you when the disease is particularly localized. Your surgeon will perform the surgery using the following VATS (Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery). These are:

  • Segmental resection: This surgery is performing to remove the small part of the diseased lung.
  • Pneumonectomy: Your surgeon will perform this VAT procedure in which they will remove the entire lung if cancer has invaded all the lobes.
  • Lobectomy: This is the most commonly performed VAT procedure in which your surgeon will remove the lobe if cancer is extensive.

The cost of lung cancer surgery will range from USD 4,500 to USD 8,000

b) Chemotherapy: In this method, your surgeon will use specialized drugs which help in destroying the growing cancer cells. Your surgeon may inject the drug intravenously or you can take in the form of pills. The cost of chemotherapy for lung cancer treatment ranges from USD 1500 to USD 2000.

c) Radiation therapy: In this method, your surgeon will use the high powered energy beams like X-ray or protons to kill the cancerous cells. This treatment can be performed alone or with the combination of chemotherapy with or without the surgery. The cost of radiation therapy will range from USD 4,500 to USD 5,500

d) Radiosurgery: Radiosurgery is the new innovation in radiation therapy and the use of radiotherapy is very limited. Generally, the surgeons use radiotherapy for the patients where tumors are small but if they undergo for the surgery it may prove harmful for them. In such cases, your surgeon will perform surgery using radiosurgery in which they use the high doses of radiation which mainly focused on targeted cells in the lungs and help in killing cancer cells without harming the nearby tissues. The cost of radiosurgery ranges from USD 5,000 to USD 10,000.

How much does Breast cancer treatment cost in India?

Your surgeon will treat breast cancer with the help of surgery by using the following two approaches which mainly depend on the extent and stage of cancer

A. Breast-Conserving Surgery

  • Partial mastectomy
  • Lumpectomy/ quadrantectomy

The cost of Breast Conserving Surgery in India ranges from USD 4,000 to USD 6,500

B. Breast Removal Surgery

  • Simple mastectomy
  • Modified radical mastectomy
  • Radical mastectomy
  • Skin-sparing mastectomy

The cost of Breast Removal Surgery with Reconstruction in India ranges from USD 5,500 to USD 8,500.

Note: Your surgeon usually performs breast-conserving surgery followed by Radiotherapy or Chemotherapy or Medication therapy which mainly depends on the stage and spread of cancer in your breast area.

How much does Liver Cancer Treatment cost in India?

Your surgeon will perform liver surgery to treat liver cancer. There are mainly two types of surgical procedures to treat liver cancer and these are as follows:

a) Partial Hepatectomy: Your surgeon will perform partial hepatectomy in case you have the small tumor and your liver functions are good. While performing this procedure, your surgeon will only remove the tumor and the small portions of the healthy tissue which is around the tumor so that your liver has the tendency to re-grow. The cost of Partial Hepatectomy in India ranges from USD 8,000 to USD 10,000.

b) Liver transplant surgery: In this surgical procedure, your surgeon will remove the diseased liver by a healthy and normally functioning liver from the donor. The cost of Liver Transplant in India ranges from USD 35,000 to USD 40,000.

What’s the cost of Throat Cancer Treatment in India?

At the hospitals under We Care India, we have various treatment options available for throat cancer which are based on many factors, such as the stage of throat cancer and its location, the type of cells involved and overall health of the patient.

It has been found that to treat throat cancer, surgery is the best option to remove the tumor in the throat. There following are some techniques through which your surgeon will perform surgery to treat throat cancer:

  • Surgery to perform early-stage throat cancer.
  • Your surgeon will perform surgery to remove all or part of the voice box.
  • Your surgeon will perform surgery to remove part of the throat.
  • Surgery is performed to remove cancerous lymph nodes.

Note: The surgery which is performed for throat cancer will be followed by Chemotherapy and/or Radiation therapy which mainly depends upon the stage of cancer and spread of cancer in the throat.

The cost of Chemotherapy ranges from USD 1,500 to USD 2,000 per cycle and for Radiotherapy the cost will range from USD 4,500 to USD 5,500.

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