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Diabetic Neuropathy in India: Causes, Symptoms, Types and Treatment

In this content, you will learn about Diabetic Neuropathy in India, first, you must know about Diabetic Neuropathy. Diabetic Neuropathy means that when a person suffering from diabetes has a nerve damage problem. In this case, there is an effect on the legs and feet. Most people are suffering from this problem. Mainly in India most of the cases are found of diabetes. Half of the population in India are suffering from the Diabetic Neuropathy. It damages the nerves in the feet, legs, and hands. With high blood sugar, the person are having diabetes. It is a painful and disabling

Diabetic Neuropathy 50% of people are suffering, it is a serious diabetes but they can maintain their diabetes by consistent blood sugar levels.So, it can be prevented from this problem. If you, your family members or a friend suffer from this problem. So. do not be so afraid of Diabetic Neuropathy you have just maintained the blood sugar level. Now, you are going to get knowledge about Diabetic Neuropathy in India for your safety and solving the problem.

Diabetic Neuropathy in India

What is Diabetic Neuropathy?

Diabetic Neuropathy is damage of the nerve. From Diabetes there the nerve should be damaged in the legs, hands, and feet. It is very painful. In this, the nerves are unable to work and it affects the nerves that sensation, control movement, and other functions. Most people are suffering from this, they are unable to walk properly because of the pain. For some people, Neuropathy is the first sign of Diabetes. They feel the pain in their legs, hands, and feet.

In the hospitals, half of the people are suffering from diabetes and some are from neuropathy, the risk is that if you have had diabetes for longer then you have the problem of Neuropathy. So if you have diabetes, Neuropathy will develop at any time. The best way is to control the diabetes by the blood sugar level, you have to decrease the blood sugar level. And you have to stop to eat sugar-free food or snacks. 

Diabetic Neuropathy in India, most of the cases are found. It is not a common problem, it is a serious problem. Some people are suffering from the nerve problem and it is hard to be alive. 50% of the are get by this problem. Maintain your health for a better lifestyle. 

Causes Of Diabetic Neuropathy In India

You know that In India, most people are suffering from Diabetes and some from nerve problems. So, there are causes behind them of this problem. People they do not know, so here are the Causes of the Diabetic Neuropathy In India. 

High Blood Sugar (glucose)

In India, the most cause of high blood sugar levels. It happens because when the chemical changes in the nerves it impairs the nerve's ability to transmit the signals. From this, there is also damage to the blood vessels. It is a hard risk to the person because the blood vessels carry oxygen and nutrients. So, when the blood vessels are damaged the person can not able to take oxygen or nutrients, which both are very important for the body. When the person can not take a breath he/she can not be alive.

Metabolic Factors

The Metabolic factors give risk to the person in their life. In this, the person gains glucose levels, and high cholesterol levels. From cholesterol level, the person gains weight which is very harmful to their body. It has the risk of the Neuropathy. A person feels tired and unable to walk. You to decrease your cholesterol and glucose levels to save your life.

Inherited factors

In this, most people have the genetic traits problem. In your family, if anyone is having a problem with diabetes, there is a chance that the problem may occur to someone. It happens to the genetic traits problem. The genes are the same as that person, so the problem may happen. So, in your family having the genetic traits problem, you have to take a treatment of them. So, these are the causes, you have to take a treatment of these causes which is help you for a better life.

What are the Symptoms and Types of Diabetic Neuropathy In India?

Diabetic Neuropathy in India, most people do not know the symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy. They easily suffer from this problem and the symptoms, which is very necessary to know about it. When the symptoms occur they do not know, so they easily suffer from it which is very risky for them. In this, you will also know about the types of Diabetic Neuropathy. Now, below are the symptoms and the types of Diabetic Neuropathy are following ways. 

Once you are going to know that the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy depend on the type of neuropathy. 

Focal Neuropathy

Focal Neuropathy is a type of diabetic neuropathy in which you will affect one nerve at a time. In this, there is mainly a problem with the chest nerves. It affects the chest nerves which causes numbness and it gives pain in the chest. And there is the chance of a heart attack or appendicitis. Some cases of heart attack are from focal Neuropathy. 

The focal Neuropathy symptoms are:-

  • There is a pain in the thighs.
  • The pain in the chest, stomach, or flank. And severe pain in the lower back or pelvis.
  • One side face gets paralysis, hearing problems, pain behind the eyes, and problems with double vision. 

Diabetic Polyneuropathy

Diabetic Polyneuropathy is when there is pain in the legs, hands, arms, and feet. In this, it affects the multiple peripheral senses. If the person has injuries in the toes and feet, they are having risk because there may be a chronic infection in the feet. In the feet the longest nerves that extend from the spine to the feet, which affected the most to the person. When the nerve is damaged, it gives you severe pain in your legs and you feel uncomfortable for the pain. You can not able to do daily activities like sleeping, walking, standing, etc. 

The symptoms of Diabetic Polyneuropathy are:-

  • There is Numbness and pain in your hands, legs, feet, or arms.
  • There is a problem with the feet and hands you feel weakness in the muscles. 
  • In your legs, there is sharp pain or cramps. Your body temperature is also changed because of having a fever.
  • You feel difficulty in walking, unable to balance your body. 

Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy

Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy affects the automatic nerves. In this, there are problems with the internal organs, processes, and systems. Like, the digestive system, sexual organs, or abnormal sweating. There is a dysfunction of the internal organs. The problems in the digestive system, the food is not digest having a loose motion. 

The Symptoms of the Diabetic Automatic Neuropathy are:-

  • There is a problem with low blood pressure.
  • Mostly in this, the problem of the digestive system, and starts vomiting. 
  • The person is having sweating abnormalities.

Treatment Of Diabetic Neuropathy In India

Diabetic Neuropathy is too harmful for us, it is a serious problem. So, everyone wants the treatment of diabetic neuropathy they want relief from this problem and have a healthy life. In India, most people want the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy consists of two stages of treatment: having the change their lifestyle and sometimes their medications to achieve optical diabetic control. There should be control of pain. 

Controlling Blood Glucose Levels

There is a control of the blood glucose levels, which reduces the damage to nerves. Most people are suffering from this problem, and the doctor gives you specific sugar goals that help you for your health. You have to eat healthy things which are high in protein and low in crab. You have to do regular exercise which helps you to keep your blood sugar levels manageable. When you do exercise daily there are changes in blood sugar level and you will get tired you can sleep well, and you are also having a high-carb of food so, you can eat healthy food.

Managing Pain

The treatment of diabetic neuropathy involves managing pain with pain medications, topical creams, relaxation training, etc. This will help you a lot in managing the pain in your feet, hands, arms, etc. By doing the managing pain treatment, you have to protect your feet and clean your feet from injuries. It may happen of infection. In addition to pain management, it is crucial to take proactive steps to protect your feet, as they are highly vulnerable to injuries and infections due to reduced sensation egularly inspect your feet for cuts, blisters, or sores, and ensure that they are thoroughly cleaned

Last Word

Upper in the Content, you will get to know Diabetic neuropathy in India, 50% of people are suffering from Diabetes. And some are suffering from the neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy means that when the person is suffering from diabetes the nerves are damaged. It affects the feet, hands, and arms. In this, you know the symptoms, types, causes, and treatment of neuropathy. 

After reading this content you get knowledge about Diabetic neuropathy in India, and you know the symptoms of the neuropathy. In India, half of the people do not know the symptoms, and they do not take any action, they take it easily. Then it harms the health of our body. So, this content helps you a lot to know and gain knowledge of Diabetic neuropathy. 

FAQs (frequentnly asked questions)

1. What is diabetic neuropathy, and why does it occur?

Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that occurs as a result of long-term high blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Over time, elevated glucose levels can damage nerves throughout the body, particularly in the extremities such as the feet and hands, leading to pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness

2. How is diabetic neuropathy treated?

As per several resources and feedback, We Care India can be the best match for individuals who want to seek DBS (deep brain stimulation) in India. This medical service provider is one of the best choices as the centre comes with amazing facilities that can offer you successful deep brain stimulation surgery at a low price. 

3. What are some ways to manage foot care with diabetic neuropathy?

Foot care is essential for individuals with diabetic neuropathy, as reduced sensation increases the risk of unnoticed injuries and infections. You should inspect your feet daily for cuts, sores, or blisters, clean them regularly, keep them moisturized, and trim your nails carefully. Always wear well-fitted shoes and avoid walking barefoot to minimize the risk of injuries. If you notice any abnormalities, consult a healthcare professional immediately.


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