The spinal cord, multiple nerves and the major blood vessels of the brain and head and neck pass through holes (foramina) in the skull base.
Not all tumors in the skull base are malignant. But even benign tumors can cause symptoms or threaten the health and well-being of the patient.
Because of their location and proximity to other vital structures, skull base tumors present unique challenges for surgeons. Recent advances in diagnostic and surgical techniques have made the area more accessible to surgery, providing new treatments for these patients.
Skull base tumors can be classified based on their specific location in the head (the tumor site) or based on the cell structure and identifying characteristics of the tumor (the tumor type). Tumors of the skull base can occur within various anatomic sites. Following is a list of the most common locations for skull base tumors.
Skull base tumors produce few symptoms until they grow large enough, and symptoms vary greatly depending on the specific location and growth rate of each tumor type.
Symptoms may include : –
The skull base surgery team is well recognized for its expertise in endoscopic surgery. Transnasal endoscopic microsurgery is a technique where surgeons work through the nose using endoscopic telescopes to remove tumors of the skull base and the base of the brain without the need for facial incisions or a craniotomy. This prevents brain retraction and the significant side effects associated with open procedures. Patients are often discharged without incisions or sutures.
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