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Location: India
Monday to Saturday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Radiation Therapy
Kim jest Szymon Besser

Where to get the Best Cancer Treatment in India?

Amongst all the other diseases, cancer has become a great threat to human beings worldwide, and India has the third-largest mortality rate in the world due to cancer. Cancer is a complex group of a number of diseases involving the formation and expansion of abnormal cells that spread frantically and have the potential to invade and destroy other normal body parts. Causes of Cancer There is no known cause of cancer; it is the interlinking of different factors together that gives birth to cancer....
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Difference Between Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy?

According to the study, both chemotherapy and radiation therapy are not the best modalities for treating cancer. Both of them are judicious use of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapies are mainly based on the type of cancers and the stages where these two therapies give the best results. E.g., all cancer type Leukemia usually performed by using chemotherapy only, whereas cancer like lymphomas requires both chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and solid tumors need the combination of surgery,...
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