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Corneal Transplantation in India

A Corneal Transplantation in India is a surgical procedure in which your eye surgeon at the network hospitals under We Care India will replace a part of your cornea with corneal tissue from a donor. A cornea is the transparent, dome-shaped surface of your eye which is one of the larger parts of your eye’s focusing power.

Your eye surgeon will perform the Corneal Transplantation in India to restore your vision, reduce the pain and improve the appearance of your diseased or damaged cornea.

According to study, most of the Corneal Transplantation in India procedures is successful and it is performed by only highly skilled or trained eye surgeons, however, the cornea transplantation will carry a small risk of complications, such as rejection of the donor cornea which found in rare cases. The hospitals under We Care India have gained the prominence for its clinical outcomes and for the expertise available at these hospitals or clinics. The aim of the We Care India, a leading medical tourism company is to give sight to many more people in the years to come. This makes the We Care India as the best medical tourism company and people across the globe relay for their treatments.

Why the procedure is performed?

The eye surgeons perform the corneal transplantation to restore the vision for a person who has a damaged cornea.

With the help of the cornea transplantation, there are numbers of conditions can be treated which include the following:

  • Thinning of the cornea
  • Swelling of the cornea
  • Clouding of the cornea
  • Corneal ulcers, including those caused by infection

Before the Corneal Transplantation in India Procedure

Before the Corneal Transplantation in India Procedure, you will undergo the followings:

  • Your eye surgeon will properly conduct your eye examination and will look for the conditions which may cause complications after the surgery.
  • Before your surgeon will proceed with corneal transplantation he/she will determine that what size donor cornea you required.
  • Your eye surgeon will properly review of all the medications and supplements which you are taking and he/she will advise you to stop taking certain medications or supplements before or after your cornea transplant to avoid the risk of unsuccessful treatment.
  • Your eye surgeon will also look for other eye problems and if he/she found any other eye problems then they will first treat that problem such as infection or inflammation etc. which may reduce your chances of a successful cornea transplant. So before proceeding with the corneal transplant, your eye surgeon will work to treat those problems.
  • Before proceeding with the corneal transplant your eye surgeon will find the best cornea donor which is usually a deceased donor and will match his/her cornea with you. After the cornea donor is confirmed the eye surgeon will begin the treatment.
  • Your eye surgeon will discuss the success rates and the cost before they proceed with the procedure so that you will not end up with high bills.

Procedure for Corneal Transplantation

A cornea transplant is a procedure in which your diseased cornea will be replaced with healthy tissue from a cornea donor.

A cornea transplant is of two types: (i) traditional, full thickness cornea transplant which is also known as penetrating keratoplasty or PK and (ii) back layer cornea transplant which is known as endothelial keratoplasty, or EK.

During a corneal transplantation procedure, a graft replaces the central corneal tissue which has been damaged due to disease or eye injury, with the healthy corneal tissue donated from a local eye bank or cornea donor. Your unhealthy cornea will affect your vision by scattering or distorting light and can cause glare and blurred vision. In such condition, your eye surgeon will recommend the corneal transplantation which restores your functional vision.

According to the study, the corneal eye disease is the fourth most common cause of blindness after cataracts and glaucoma and will affect the people across the globe. India is a country where eye surgeons at the network hospitals under We Care India will perform thousands of corneal transplants every year and people in larger number have achieved the successful sight restored after the corneal transplantation which allows them to see the beauty of the world.

Tissue Availability of cornea donors

The tissue availability of the cornea donor is very low almost everywhere. According to the study, the rate of acceptability of cornea donors at the eye banks in India is very less. The eye surgeons will evaluate the donor eyes under slit lamp and the tissue quality was categorized as: very good; good; fair, and poor as per the guidelines of the eye banks. The eye banks were studied around one hundred and eight eyes from 54 donors were studied and they found the people under the age of 39 years have the visibility of 36% which is considered as very good to good quality and were acceptable for grafting either for optical or therapeutic purposes. The people above the age of 60 years have the visibility of eyes which were not acceptable owing to fair to poor tissue quality. Twenty-three of 50 tissues available from donors aged 75 years or younger were acceptable.



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